Colorado College Partners With PikeRide

By Miriam Brown ’21

No car? No problem.

The Colorado College Office of Sustainability just announced a partnership with PikeRide that will give some students free access to the bike-sharing service. PikeRide bikes typically cost $1 to unlock and $0.10 per minute to ride, but for any CC students with demonstrated financial need, the fee to ride will be waived. And, all other students, faculty, and staff get a discounted rate of $99 to ride up to 80 minutes every day for the entire academic year.

For Mae Rohrbach, paraprofessional in the Office of Sustainability, the benefits of this partnership are threefold: It ensures that students, staff, and faculty have equal access to alternative transportation; it encourages the use of a more sustainable transportation that does not release carbon emissions while riding; and it works with downtown Colorado Springs to make the city more walk- and bike-friendly.

“Colorado College saw an opportunity provided through the Downtown Partnership roughly four years ago, and here we are today with the introduction of the new electric-assist bikes and a possible expansion of PikeRide service on the horizon,” says Rohrbach.
