To start, some odds and ends. Here are a few photos from my Brasilia book with modern day comparisons. I had originally meant to replicate the exact angle but forgot. You still get the general idea though. One thing that really surprised me about Brasilia was its extensive bike lanes. When I was first driving …

Superblocks and South Lake

One really gets of a sense of the “planning” aspect of urban planning when it comes to the superblocks. Superblocks made up the core concept of what the utopian architects of this city had planned. Here are some numbers: Exhibit A- a building: 11 of these = 1 superblock 4 superblocks = 1 neighborhood (around …

Brazil Bound

Welcome to my blog detailing my venture grant! I suppose my 9-hour layover at the Miami Airport is a convenient time to write a first post. A quick introduction on me, where I’m going, and what I’m doing: I am a senior political science major with a focus on international relations. Last spring I studied abroad …
