We were asked what President Dick Celeste was reading this summer for possible inclusion in a national story on college presidents’ summer reading lists. We thought you might be interested as well.

He collected a stack of used books at Powells Bookstore in Portland, Ore., on his last visit. They include his usual load of mysteries — three novels by Elmore Leonard (“City Primeval,” “The Switch,” and “The Hunted”), James Ellroy’s “Blood on the Moon,” and “Luna,” an old tale by Delacorta.  In addition, he picked up e.e.cummings’ “100 Selected Poems” and David Lynch’s “Catching the Big Fish.”

He supplemented those purchases with “Don’t Fill Up On the Antipasto,” a father-son cookbook by Tony Danza, and Lee Child’s novel “Running Blind” (“both impulse purchases at Barnes and Nobel,” he says), and “Colorado,” a 1947 Louis Bromfield novel which was given to Celeste by his wife. Additional books include “America’s Nuclear Wastelands” written by and gift from Max Power ’63, and “Rules of Thumb,” a management book written by and gift from Alan Webber P ’04. As of early June, Celeste was halfway through the pile!