Year in Review
Above is a photo of the Colorado College 2013-2014 SIAM chapter at our last meeting of the year (some members are missing). This has been quite a successful first year for the Colorado College SIAM chapter from it’s beginnings to all the events we have had throughout the year. Sadly, our original faculty sponsor, Beth…
Colorado State University Trip
We will be going to Colorado State University in Fort Collings on Thursday, May 1st to meet up with the CSU SIAM chapter and to attend lectures from graduates students.
Final Meeting of the Year
We have a meeting on Tuesday, April 29th in the seminar room. Be there of be a figure that lies in a plane that has four congruent sides that meet at right angles.
Film Screening
On Thursday evening (4/10) at 5 PM CC SIAM will be screening the movie 21 in the Mathias Screening room. Come take a study break, watch 21, enjoy the mathematics of card counting, and celebrate mathematics awareness month!