Educator Preparation Update – Survey

The State Council for Educator Effectiveness recently launched a new website and survey to gather input about draft recommendations to develop a new statewide teacher and principal evaluation system to improve teaching and learning for Colorado students. The survey deadline is March 28.

To prepare for the new evaluation system, start by familiarizing district leaders with new requirements and use this self assessment tool to assess whether your educator evaluation system meets state requirements. Consider reactivating your district’s evaluation committee, encouraging school leaders to conduct spot observations if they don’t already, and ensuring that all teachers have their students’ academic growth data.

Mythbusters: Some think only principals may evaluate teachers. Not true! Principals may designate this responsibility to other individuals who have received education and training in evaluation skills that enable them to make fair, professional and credible evaluations. Designees could include teacher leaders, assistant principals and other building administrators who have received appropriate training.

Click here for more frequently asked questions.

The Council is recommending that all school districts use a common matrix to determine each teacher’s performance level: highly effective, effective, or ineffective.

The matrix is a tool to combine student growth data (at least 50 percent of each evaluation) with other indicators such as observations. Using one matrix will help create consistency across Colorado about teachers’ performance levels.

The Council is also working on how to measure and assess student growth for educators who teach subjects or grade levels not tested by state assessments – such as first-grade teachers, or physical education teachers. Stay tuned for those details as the Council presents final recommendations in April. Click here for the big picture implementation timeline.

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