This study involves examination of the geomorphic evolution of the Colorado Front Range and Piedmont and investigates the roles of tectonics, climate, end erosionally-driven isostasy in the Tertiary and Quaternary development of the landscape. The project involves GIS analysis of topography and stream systems and low–temperature thermochronology, as well as, field mapping.
( * denotes Colorado College student co-author)
Leonard, E.M., 2002, Geomorphic and tectonic forcing of late Cenozoic warping of the Colorado Piedmont: Geology 34, 595-598.
Leonard, E.M. Hubbard, M.S., Kelley, S.S., Evanoff, E., Siddoway, C.S., Oviatt, C.G., Heizler, M., and Timmons, M., 2002, High plains to Rio Grande Rift: Late Cenozoic evolution of central Colorado; Guidebook for Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 1-35.
Leonard, E.M., and Langford, R.P., 1994, Post-Laramide deformation along the eastern margin of the Colorado Front Range – a case against significant faulting: Mountain Geologist 31, 45-52.
- Leonard, E. M., McMillan, M.E., Ouimet, W.B., 2013, The post-orogenic Rocky Mountain Surface on the front ranges of Colorado, USA – its character and possible causes of its deformation. International Association of Geomorphologists, 8th International Conference Abstracts, Paris.
- Miller, S., Sak, P.B., and Leonard, E.M., 2010: Stream speed bumps: how competent bedrock units stall and multiply transient knickpoints: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 42.
*Nelson, A.D., Wobus, C., Leonard, E., 2006, Stream response to base-level change along the Rocky Mountain front in Colorado and Wyoming, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 38, 26.
Sak, P.B., Leonard, E.M., Miller, S.R., Biscontini, A.J., and *Jemison, E., 2005, Late Cenozoic Drainage Reorganization Of The Arkansas River, Central Colorado, and History of the Royal Gorge: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 37, 295.
Leonard, E., 2005, Evaluating tectonic rock uplift and erosion-uplift feedback, western Great Plains, United States: Geophysical Research Letters, 7, 08887.
Leonard, E.M., and Sak, P., 2005, The late Cenozoic evolution of the enigmatic upper Arkansas River, Colorado: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs v. 37, 16.
Leonard, E.M., 2003, Evaluating rock uplift-erosion feedback: a case study of the western Great Plains, USA: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 345, 297.