Exhibition: Sugar, Sugar
November 24, 2009 – January 21, 2010, I.D.E.A. Space
Virtually unknown in Europe until the Middle Ages sugar quickly became ubiquitous in western diets. Influencing agricultural practices, global economies, dietary habits, and language, sugar holds a central place in Western culture. (Just try to imagine a world without it!) Including historical photographs, microscopic enlargements, and literary and artistic responses in a variety of media, this exhibition examines the power of the sweet stuff. The exhibition features sugar-inspired artworks by Gypsy Ames, Christina Marsh, Karen Kunc, Kate Leonard, Tracy Linder, Meredith Nickie and poetry by Jessy Randall and Dave Mason.
On three Tuesdays during the exhibition, I.D.E.A. will host a series of Sugar Salons featuring sugar-related activities, lectures, and performances. The final Sugar Salon will close the exhibit on Thursday, January 21, 2010.
• Tuesday, November 24, 2009, 4:30 Sugar Salon #1: Performing Sugar
Chemistry experiments with sugar & performance of Rare Sugar at 6 PM in the South Theater
The first Sugar Salon will feature chemistry experiments with sugar “performed” for the audience and gallery talks by featured artists, who will speak about how the structure and properties of sugar inspired them. At 6 pm, I.D.E.A. and the C.C. Music Department will present a performance of Rare Sugar. Australian composer Nigel Westlake was inspired to create the piece after watching a television program about a chemist who works on unusual forms of sugar.
• Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 4:30 Sugar Salon #2: Producing Sugar
The second Sugar Salon focuses on the historical and contemporary impact of the sugar industry, both regionally and internationally. Featured artist and former sugar beet farmer Tracy Linder and Colorado College faculty will use the exhibition as a springboard for an informal discussion of the local and international economic, social, and political impact of producing sugar.
• Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 4:30 Sugar Salon #3: Sugar Inspirations
The third Sugar Salon celebrates sugar-inspired art and literature. Featured artists will discuss sugar-related works, artists will discuss sugar inspiration in their works, and authors will read sugar-inspired poetry and prose. To acknowledge the importance of sugar to the holiday season, the event will also feature a sugarplum tasting and possibly an appearance from the Sugar Plum Fairy.
• Tuesday, January 21, 2010, 4:30 Sugar Salon #4: Sugar Rush
The final Sugar Salon will feature sugar sculptures and a demonstration of sculpting techniques by James Gallo, Executive Pastry Chef at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver, Colorado, with commentary on the history of sugar sculpting and chemistry behind Gallo’s manipulation of sugar as raw material by Sally Meyer, Professor of Chemistry at Colorado College. At the conclusion of the event, participants will help artist Julia M. Becker ritually destroy the sugar mandala created for the exhibition.

I personally can’t wait for the final Sugar Salon, featuring a sugar sculpture demonstration by James Gallo, Executive Pastry Chef at the Brown Palace Hotel in Denver!
I’m a Certified Holistic Health and Garden Counselor who udnerstands the excitement and draw of sugar. I love to bake and eat sweet things. Wondering if there is an opportunity to explore why it has such a hold over us (evolutionarily and chemically) and how it’s contributing, in its current forms and abundance, to some of our most major health problems.
Thanks for your comment Michele, I will forward this on the curator, Jessica Hunter-Larsen. What an interesting topic to explore, which is the spirit of the Sugar, Sugar exhibit.
Do you plan to discuss the history of the sugar industry in Colorado?
Pam, that is most certainly a part of the exhibit. One of our artists, Tracy Linder, is a former Colorado Sugar Beet farmer. Her installation of “sugar beets” is powerful. Tracy will be giving a talk on Tuesday, December 1st, 4:30 pm, about the local and international economic, social, and political impact of producing sugar.