The (R)evolution Experiment


The (R)EVOLUTION Experiment

How does a digital work evolve through successive generations of collaboration

by a community of participants? (R)evolution is an experiment in which an

original film work is mashed-up creating a new generation of work from which

successive generation can be created. The experiment will culminate with an

installation of selected works exhibited at the Colorado College Edith Kinney

Gaylord Cornerstone Arts Center.

Participants may mash-up the original work by adding or subtracting digital

media using open-source or original film/audio material they have created.

Mashed-up videos can reference any theme. Copyrighted materials should not

be used.

The dance for films for (r)evolution were created as part of the DA 325 Dance

and Digital Technology class taught by Patrizia Herminjard during block 8 of 2009.



1. View movie(s) below.

2. Download movie(s) you want to mash-up by clicking on their respective links.

3. Once your mash-up is created upload it at

by clicking on “Post A Video Response” and then select “Upload a Video”.

In order to post a Video Response, you must have a YouTube account.

The deadline for all video uploads is March 22, 2010 (the first day of Block 7).

Deadline has been extended to Fall, 2010.  Check back for more details.

4. Check back here to see your film under the first generation films

section entitled Second Generation Films.

5. Selected films will be presented in the Cornerstone Screening Room on

April 30th at 7:30pm. Visit the final Installation during Block 8, April 19th-

May 17th, 2010 in the Cornerstone Arts Center (main space) featuring selected

mashed-up films.
Films will be presented in the Fall of 2010.  Check back for more details.



Notification of acceptance into the Installation will be sent to your YouTube account inbox.








Badlands by Hilary Kennedy

Download: Badland(Hilary)

I Loved You First by Breann Gingrich

Download: breannsfinal

Cracked by Jordan Brooks


exactly do they do by Dolo McComb

Download: exactlydotheydobydolo

Grey Wakeup by Alana Yurkanin

Download: GreyWakeUp(Alana)

Subordinate to Time by Madison Moross


Download: subordinatetotime(madison)

Lament by Patrizia Herminjard

Download: lament(Patrizia)

The Lullaby by Rosey Puloka

Download: TheLullaby(Rosey)

The Patrol by Kate Rafter

Download: ThePatrol(Rafter)