November 5-December 15, 2010, IDEA Space
The two projects that comprise Exchange Economies uncover the ideologies and practices that support local and global systems of circulation of goods and services, prompting an examination of covert systems of exchange and the implications of the increasing globalization of markets.

The Aphrodite Project: Platforms
The link between sex work and technology extends back to classical Greece, where all prostitution fell under the domain of the goddess Aphrodite. The pornai walked the dusty streets of Athens wearing sandals modified to leave footprints with the words “Follow Me” written in the earth. This history inspired a team comprising an artist, technical experts, and a former sex worker to create the Platforms Sandals: an integrated technology to improve the working conditions of sex workers. As social sculptures these practical wearable devices stimulate public dialogue. Visitors, male and female will be invited to try the shoes, displayed within a faux retail setting.

Made in India: In 2007 artists Harrell Fletcher and Wendy Red Star accidentally received two commercially produced rugs through a shipping mishap. This innocuous event inspired them to try to find the workers who made the rug and “redistribute the wealth” to a factory worker who might have made it. All they had to go on was a tag that said, “Made in India”. The three channel video installation documents their quest.
Exchange Economies Events
Friday, November 5, 2010, 4:30 pm, IDEA Space
IDEA Cabaret: In Her Shoes Redux
At this interactive artist talk, the Platforms team of Norene Leddy, Andrew Milmoe, and Melissa Grant will address the larger issues surrounding sex work and technology. Who gets new technology and when? What is the true value of sexual service? What are the ethics of surveillance and tracking?
Wednesday, November 17, 4:30 pm, Film Screening Room & IDEA Space
Artist Talk and Reception by Harrell Fletcher and Wendy Red Star
Professor of Art and Social Practice at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, Harrell Fletcher has worked collaboratively and individually on socially engaged, interdisciplinary art and performance projects for over fifteen years. Focusing on selected projects, Fletcher’s talk will trace the evolution of his practice and philosophy. The audience will then be invited to IDEA Space for a discussion of Made in India with artists Harrell Fletcher and Red Star.
Tuesday, December 7, 4:30 pm
IDEA Cabaret: Fairly Made
This interactive event explores the politics and poetics of the global free market. Participants include Colorado College faculty, experts on rug manufacture, Indian Music, and fair-trade food products.