Call for Papers: “Deep Romantic Chasms, Waning Moons, Demon Lovers: ‘Kubla Khan’ at 200”

Call for Papers: “Deep Romantic Chasms, Waning Moons, Demon Lovers: ‘Kubla Khan’ at 200”

Organized by Omar F. Miranda

International Conference on Romanticism, October 20-23, 2016 (abstracts due May 20, 2016) Colorado Springs, Colorado

1816 marks the year that Coleridge, at the insistence of Lord Byron, first published “Kubla Khan” in print. Prior to that (since about 1797), the poem circulated orally as a recitation that Coleridge performed for friends. In line with the ICR’s theme of “Dark Romanticism” and in honor of the bicentenary of the poem’s publication, this session considers the dark sides of “Kubla Khan.” Any topic related to this subject matter — however broadly interpreted — is welcome. Send abstracts of no more than 300 words to by 20 May 2016.