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Posts from the video archive issue

These are video and multimedia archives of the Tech Tuesdays. They may be audio, slide desks (like a powerpoint file), video, or even links to online media presentations.

Managed Print

The Managed Print initiative at Colorado College is an attempt to look at printing / copying / faxing and scanning across the whole college and make changes to the current paradigm in order to be more environmentally sustainable, save money, and improve access to advanced features for most people on campus. Managed Print Video archive

Issue: video archive

Computer-aided language learning

Jorge, Jeffrey and Weston talk about language learning options which take advantage of technology. These are all apps, services or websites; some of them are free. Here’s the video and here’s a link to the presentation. Some of the services mentioned are: Rosetta Stone Rocket Languages Mango Languages DuoLingo

Issue: video archive

Media Services

Dan Wiencek talks about the goods and services provided by Media Services. You can also watch the video here on youtube.

Issue: video archive

Online Clickers

Watch the video archive or check out the slide deck; here are the systems we reviewed, plus a few bonus ones! If you’re interested, please also see our ATS Fellows Grant. Top Hat Padlet Poll Everywhere Qualtrics: InfuseLearning Socrative Qwizdom ExitTicket

Issue: video archive


There are many, many different Linux distributions (distros) with advantages and features that come with each. This Tech Tuesday highlighted three for attendees to try out: Fedora Ubuntu Mint Here are the links featured in the presentation: Linux article – wikipedia Fedora Ubuntu Mint Distrowatch TuxRadar Distro picker DesktopLinux at home distro chooser

Issue: video archive

PDF Form Creation

Related links: Alternative PDF form creator forms tutorials

Issue: video archive

Event Planning

How you can help Media Services Marco explains what you need to do to make sure your event’s media and technology is arranged properly so there are no last minute surprises. Related Links: Event Planning Guide & A/V Services Event Tips

Issue: video archive

Painless PowerPoint Plus

Not currently working Related Links: Slide Deck (related decks: Presentation Jedi & Effective Persuasion)

Issue: video archive

Campus Tech Resources for You

The top 20 “tech” things you should know at Colorado College Related Links: Slide Deck Extra links: Let me…bing, duckduckgo, google…that for you

Issue: video archive

WebApp Pecha Kucha

Weston describes 20 web apps or websites he uses for 20 seconds each. The slide deck he used is viewable at

Issue: video archive