5 Things to Consider Before You Go Freelance

by Marianne Stenger | May 22, 2018
Re-posted from Vault

Freelancing is more popular than ever, and in this so-called gig economy, between 20 and 30 percent of the working age population in Europe and the U.S. already engage in some form of independent work. This number is expected to rise significantly in the coming years, and according to some predictions, the majority of workers in the U.S. will be freelance by 2027.

While being able to manage your own schedule and work from just about anywhere probably sounds agreeable to most people, freelancing also comes with its unique set of challenges. [LEARN MORE about] five important things to consider before you launch your freelance career. (Note that although the exact considerations may vary somewhat depending on your area of expertise and industry, most apply no matter what you do and where you work.)


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