Welcome back AstroSamantha!

Samantha Cristoforetti, the first Italian woman astronaut, has spent 200 days (199 days and 16 hours) in space, the longest single space flight by a woman.

Samantha Cristoforetti
Samantha Cristoforetti

She has another record: the first espresso coffee in space, but this is probably less important…

Her CV is impressive: she dedicated her entire life to pursue this career. As part of her preparation,  she studied in 5 different countries. In the process, Cristoforetti became a polyglot, fluent in Italian, English, German, French and Russian.

Samantha is the face of the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana (ASI). Yes, Italy has a spacial agency with an important programs and missions. Its motto?

The road to space through Italy

So, do you want to be an astronaut? Study Italian or…

Doctor Spock

… Vulcan 🙂

Live long and prosper!







Another reason to visit Italy!

The Italian town of Gemona has set the record for the largest Tiramisù in culinary history.

Yummy 🙂 !

tiramisu Gemona
Around 200 people helped to make the dessert. Photo: Gemona Turismo


If you want to know how to prepare this legendary Italian dessert look here or attend one of our upcoming workshops in the Italian House.


Hello Colorado College!


This blog is for students and friends of the Italian program at Colorado College.

We will keep you informed about the workshops, movie nights, and fantastic activities that we design for you.

Moreover we inform you about the Italian culture including great food and recipes too! We will also update you on news from Italy and courses on the CC campus and abroad.
