Education Department Job Opening: K-12 Music Methods Instructor and Supervisor

Update April 27, 2012: This position has been filled.

Colorado College is seeking a K-12 Music (instrumental and choral) methods instructor and supervisor. The instructor would teach music methods in block 1 to graduate (and potentially undergraduate) students in the teaching program. Block 1 runs from September 3 through September 26.  In general, class is held in the afternoons from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.

Qualifications for the position include:

  • Master’s degree or higher in education or related field
  • Minimum 5 years teaching experience
  • Experience in both vocal and instrumental (band and string) music
  • Experience working with student teachers, either as a supervisor or former cooperating teacher

We also expect the person to act as a college supervisor for the student teachers in music.  The supervision commitment is generally from August through January with a minimum of 5 formal observations.  Attendance at department meetings and Interviews for MAT Music Candidates is also expected.

Usually, there are one to three Master of Arts in Teaching students for the block 1 class. There is a possibility to be contracted for block 7 to teach any undergraduate students in the K-12 Music methods course. (Currently, we do not have any enrollment for block 7.)

Salary for the methods class (with 2 students) would be approximately $2,440. The salary for supervision would approximately $1,400. Final salaries are determined by the Dean of the College.

Colorado College has a long, rich history of preparing excellent teachers. We hope you strongly consider joining the Education Department team.  We will be screening candidates as applications arrive. The position will remain open until filled, with the desire to fill the position by mid-April.

If you are interested in applying, please submit a letter of interest and a resume.  Contact Kris Stanec, Director of K-12 programs, if you have questions:

Kris Stanec
Faculty and Director of K12 Programs
Education Department
Colorado College

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