Reminder for “Dismantling Anti-Black Racism with Dr. Della Mosley” tomorrow

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Dismantling Anti-Black Racism: A Keynote Conversation with Dr. Della Mosley

October 4, 7 p.m.
Cornerstone Arts Center – Celeste Theatre

This is a hybrid in-person/online event. Attendance in-person will require a CC ID. Members of the general public may register and attend via Zoom.

During this keynote conversation open to all Colorado College students, alumni, faculty, and staff and community members from the Colorado Springs area, Dr. Della Mosley will discuss the need for, process, and outcomes of dismantling anti-Black racism. Mosley’s research, teaching, and service connect to her goal of “enhancing the psycho-political wellness of folx who experience oppression simply as a result of their social identities.” 

This event is part of Dismantling Hate: An Educational Series Toward Understanding and Action. This series, for the academic year 2021-22, is a campus-wide initiative that provides programming for CC students, faculty, staff, and alumni and community members from the Colorado Springs area. The purpose and goal of this educational series is to support our communities in better understanding hate — the root and outcomes — and to motivate people to take action to dismantle hate. Each educational program in the series will feature a conversation with an activist, broadly defined, who will share their work and experiences dismantling hate against marginalized communities.

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