Please Participate: Racial Climate Survey

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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

This message was sent to all students today, encouraging them to take the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates, which will be open Oct. 12-Nov. 9. Based on students’ responses, the survey will assess the extent to which race matters on campus, as well as the current level of equity at CC. If you can, please encourage students to take the survey. Their answers will help inform the Antiracism Implementation Plan, including new initiatives. Similar surveys will be conducted for staff in Spring 2022 and for faculty in Spring 2023.

Dear Students,

Our mission – to provide the finest liberal arts education in the country – calls on us to create an environment that fosters a positive racial climate on campus. With antiracism central to our mission, our faculty, staff, and students will experience greater equity and inclusion, our teaching will become more impactful, and you, our students, will be better prepared to make positive change in the world. 

As part of this work, your valuable input will help us to better understand: 

  • how campus community members feel about the college’s commitment to equity and inclusion
  • the extent to which we interact meaningfully with diverse others
  • feelings of readiness for citizenship in a racially diverse democracy

We will soon administer the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates, a survey asking students about the racial climate on our campus. Subsequent surveys of staff and faculty will be conducted through Spring 2023.

Please express your honest and true feelings about the racial climate at CC to help us understand your experiences at the college. Your voice matters. The information you provide will be kept confidential. We will use the results to inform our Antiracism Implementation Plan, including new ways to make CC more inclusive. 

Look for an email about the NACCC from on Tuesday, Oct. 12 and click the link inside to participate. 

Thank you so much for your commitment to antiracism at Colorado College.


L. Song Richardson


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