Keep Up the Screening Testing and Stick to Your Pods

This message was shared with students today and we want to make sure you also have the latest information.

  • COVID-19 campus data
  • Continue limiting social gatherings
  • If CC case numbers decline, more protocols will loosen
  • In-person dining reopens across campus

Dear Students,

We are continuing to closely track COVID data to make decisions for our campus community. Thank you for participating in screening testing and adhering to the temporary precautions we put in place, including limiting your social interactions. You are making a difference!  

Since the beginning of Block 5, more than 7,500 screening and symptomatic tests have been performed, with 139 positive results. The number of new weekly student infections increased to 85 at the beginning of this week, up from 45 in the first week of the block.  

The screening testing program has kept the number of symptomatic infections much lower than they would be otherwise, however, this rise in infections means increasing disruption to in-person classes.   

When our COVID-19 cases stabilize, we’ll reevaluate our protocols. Until then, please continue to stick to your five-person Omicron pod for socializing, including during in-person dining. Continue prioritizing outdoor over unmasked indoor activities and limit time indoors unmasked. Case numbers in El Paso County are declining; once our campus numbers come down, we can lift precautions around social gatherings, including bringing the party registration form online and discontinuing the five-person Omicron pods.

As you may have noticed this week, Bon Appetit has reopened seating in Benjamin’s Cafe, Colorado Coffee, and Susie B’s, along with Rastall Café, which reopened last week. View all updated dining hours. Take-out options and outdoor seating continue to be available. 

We are using screening test results as well as participation rates to inform decisions about our COVID-19 response and on-campus protocols. Please continue participating in twice weekly testing. Your participation in our screening testing program generates the data we need to continuously reevaluate our protocols. Our goal is to loosen precautions as soon as possible and be able to gather more normally again.  

Thank you for your partnership in keeping our campus community healthy and making our on-campus CC experience possible.    

Andrea Bruder

Chief Public Health Advisor to the President

Mateo Muñoz
Chair, COVID-19 Policy and Implementation Committee

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