Office of Sustainability
Enhancing Educational Experiences within the Office of the Dean of the College
Explore Jobs in Sustainability this Summer
With the end of the academic year and the beginning of summer jobs and internships getting closer, be sure to check out Career Center resources for job opportunities in sustainability-related fields. Visit the Career Center Pathways pages for Conservation and Sustainability and Climate Change and Renewable Energy for industry tips, jobs-to-watch, hiring timelines, and more. Additionally, search Handshake using keywords — such as ‘environment’ or ‘energy’ — to see all postings, and explore TigerLink to connect with Colorado College alumni in the field for mentorship and hiring opportunities. Schedule an appointment with Environmental Program Department Liaison Briana Walls to learn more about finding jobs and internships in sustainability, whether just for the summer or post-graduation.
Volunteer Spotlight: Meet Alexa Rennie ’25
Hello! My name is Alexa (she/her). I am a freshman and am planning to major in Environmental Science. I am so excited to be a new member of the Office of Sustainability volunteer team this academic year. I wanted to get involved with the office because of my desire to learn more about today’s climate crisis and how we can come together as a community to face these problems. So far, I have worked on helping to restart EcoFund. This program provides funds for students who have an idea for a sustainability-related project at CC. I am super excited about this project, and I can’t wait to see it grow as more students apply. If I could implement one sustainability effort on campus, I would want to work on replacing some of CC’s lawn space with small gardens of species native to the Colorado Springs area. Thanks so much for learning more about me and don’t forget to send in your application to EcoFund so we can all help make our home a more environmentally friendly space!
Learn more about EcoFund and apply here! Reach out to Alexa (a_rennie@coloradocollege.edu) with any questions.
Offset Your Spring Break Travel Emissions
Are you planning on traveling for Spring Break? Consider adding offsetting carbon emissions to your plans. Use the easy Travel Offset Calculator to discover how much greenhouse gas your trip emits and then click to offset your individual emissions and counterbalance some of your travel impacts. The cost of offsets is much less than the cost of travel, but your investment greatly supports important climate initiatives. Learn more about carbon offsets here.
Get Involved with the Colorado College Student Farm
The Colorado College Student Farm is looking for help! It may be snowing outside, but there is still lots of work to be done. From planning out planting schedules to designing posters, there are so many ways to contribute. The Student Farm is a place for everyone — especially those with little experience — to interact with the environment and their food in a positive and engaging way with tangible produce for students to consume.
Contact Eileen Miller (e_miller@coloradocollege.edu ) or Kai Matthiasson (k_matthiasson@coloradocollege.edu) to get involved.
Looking Ahead: Earth Week 2022
Keep an eye out for upcoming announcements about Earth Week 2022! Colorado College will be celebrating Earth Week 2022 from April 25 to April 29 with various events for students to connect with and serve the Earth. The first Earth Day, celebrated on April 22, 1970, inspired 20 million Americans to demonstrate against environmental and public health consequences of industrialization. This public outcry resulted in several pieces of foundational environmental legislation, including the Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Clean Water Act of 1972, as well as the foundation of the United States Environmental Protection Agency. The holiday is still celebrated every April 22 to encourage people around the world to take action on behalf of the environment. Learn more about the history of Earth Day here.
Block 5 Food Survey Update
The Office of Sustainability Food Team — headed by Intern Sara Dixon ʼ22 — would like to extend a huge thank you to all who participated in the Block 5 Bon Appetit Food Survey! The survey returned extensive information about options students, staff, and faculty would like to see in the dining halls. The Food Team is currently compiling data, and once ready will present results to Bon Appetit.
Congratulations to the winners of the survey raffle for a Downtown Colorado Springs gift card: Zoe Wirth ʼ24 and Emma Logan ʼ24.
Follow Us on Social Media
The Office of Sustainability is planning lots of exciting events for students, staff, and faculty to engage with sustainability this spring — be sure to follow us on Instagram @ccsustainability to keep up to date with all things sustainability at CC.