Office of Sustainability
Enhancing Educational Experiences within the Office of the Dean of the College
A Year in Review
As they say, the days are long but the blocks are short … or something like that. Here we are: already at the end of another academic year, and even though it feels like NSO and move-in just happened, we are now fast approaching the first ‘standard’ move-out, commencement, and shift to summer that we’ve had in three years.
In my welcome note back in Block 1, I was excited about the returning on-campus energy and the ways in which we hoped to move ahead this year in the Office of Sustainability; looking back, we’ve done just that. Our intern and volunteer teams are once again in-person and fully functioning. We’ve reinstated and evolved our programming, including our Sense of Place offerings and the Earth Week events that just passed. PikeRide was made available to all students, faculty, and staff, and we’ve ridden over 15,000 trips totaling nearly 19,000 miles! Our office did strategic planning around next steps and has set internal goals and directions for our teams — right now, we’re busy hiring the team that will carry that work forward into next year.
Nothing is going to go “back to normal” and we’ve got plenty of things we still need to rebuild and adapt to become a more sustainable campus, but we’re well on our way. As I look back on this academic year, my feelings of optimism this past fall were justified. Wrapping up the final loose ends on our academic year push, I’m feeling energized by the intermittent summer-like weather and am looking forward to another successful year in 2022-23.
I hope you all feel, too, that this has been a successful return to campus. It has been successful for our sustainability efforts, yes, but also more generally in how we’ve come together once again as a campus community; it feels long overdue, but refreshing. I wish you all a safe and enjoyable summer and I look forward to continuing to build our community in the coming academic year. If this past year has been any indication, we’ll be back at move-in and NSO before we know it!
—Ian Johnson, Director of the Office of Sustainability
RSVP for the Environmental Action Summit
On May 6, 1-3:30 p.m. on Worner Quad, the Office of Sustainability will be hosting CC’s second Environmental Action Summit with an emphasis on environmental justice. The purpose of this event is to engage both community members and students in a meaningful discussion about environmental/climate action and sustainability, as well as provide opportunities for everyone to get further involved.
Various organizations, both on-campus and off-campus will have booths with relevant information and activities to share, including our featured speaker: Pueblo-based activist and community organizer Jamison (Jamie) Valdez. Valdez currently works with Mothers Out Front as a climate justice organizer, and has previously done organizing work within the racial and economic justice movements as well. The floor will then open for discussion among students and community members around how we can, as a community, better commit to lasting support and action. With local food trucks and music to help us celebrate the importance of coming together, the OOS hopes you can join!
Environmental Action Summit: Environmental Justice
May 6, 1-3:30 p.m., Worner Quad. Attendance is limited; register for a spot here!
Staff and Faculty — Get Ready for Bike to Work Day
Join the Office of Sustainability Transportation Team to celebrate sustainable commutes. Following your bike ride to work on Friday, May 6, join us for music, food, and prizes on Worner Quad from 7:30-9 a.m.
Need support in preparing? Borrow a bike, tune your own, or plan your route to campus during one of our pre-event clinics: May 3 and 5, 4-6 p.m. at the Outdoor Education Center, 931 N. Nevada Ave. Questions? Contact sustainability@coloradocollege.edu.
2022 STARS® Report
Look out for the upcoming 2022 State of Sustainability Report, documenting information from July 2020 to June 2021. This report highlights the work that has been accomplished over the past year; learn more about the State of Sustainability here. This year’s report is brought to you by the Colorado College Office of Sustainability in close collaboration with the President’s Office, Facilities Services, and the Office of Sustainability interns. This document has been co-authored by Ian Johnson, STARS® intern Gaby Jadotte ’22, and the STARS® volunteers Hannah Shew ’24 and Yinting Zhong ’22, but is the work of many people on the Colorado College campus.
Earth Week Recap
Thank you for joining us to celebrate Earth Week! The CC campus community engaged in meaningful discussions about agriculture through the Linnemann Lecture, and celebrated diverse voices in the outdoors through Outdoor Education’s Pride Outside and gear exchange. We also came together to make a positive impact on our campus landscape as around 40 students helped the Landscape and Grounds team restore trees, shrubs, and herbaceous perennials to the area surrounding the Labyrinth on Arbor Day. Additionally, around 40 students participated in Trash Peak to improve campus waste diversion; from 180 total pounds of trash collected from “landfill” bins in Worner Campus Center and exterior bins across campus, we were able to divert 24% of the trash to compost and 14% of the trash to recycle. Participants demonstrated how taking a few extra seconds to toss your trash in the correct bin can have a substantial impact; 38% of the trash collected during this event could have been recycled or composted.
Thank you so much to everyone for engaging and making our Earth Week celebration meaningful and successful! However, it doesn’t need to end with this week as the Office of Sustainability hosts events and other ways to engage year-round. Check out our website, and be sure to follow us on Instagram, to stay up to date on all things sustainability at CC.
Students participate in hands-on events during Earth Week: sorting trash during Trash Peak (left), and planting trees on Arbor Day (right).
PikeRide Free for Friends and Family Over Commencement Weekend
CC has partnered with PikeRide for Commencement weekend to offer free rides for friends and family of graduating seniors.
Use the code CCGRAD22 to unlock two trips of up to 20 minutes per trip (if over 20 minutes, the rider will be charged the standard rate of 15 cents/minute for the remainder of the trip). The code will activate on May 20, and run through the weekend.