FAC Leadership Update

Dear Campus Community,

It is with mixed emotions that I share the news that Idris Goodwin has resigned as the executive director of the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College (FAC) effective May 27.

The FAC made great strides during Idris’ 27-month tenure, including the FAC museum receiving reaccreditation from the American Alliance of Museums, launching Colorado Springs-wide City as a Venue programming, and guiding the museum through the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

A well-respected artist in his own right, Idris was named a national fellow by United States Artists last year.

I know we are all very appreciative of Idris’ contributions to Colorado College and Colorado Springs and wish him much continued success.

The college will consider next steps for the executive director position following this weekend’s Class of 2022 Commencement. 

Mike Edmonds
Senior Vice President

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