Office of Sustainability
Enhancing Educational Experiences within the Office of the Dean of the College
To commence the academic year on a vibrant note, we want to share some words from Ian Johnson, director of the Office of Sustainability:
“The swiftest hours, observed as they flew…” Shakespeare, in his eloquent style, noted, like many of us have, how quickly time passes by. Somehow, we’re approaching three years since Colorado College achieved its milestone of carbon neutrality and five years since we committed to becoming an antiracist institution. In that same time, nearly three years has passed that the world was irreparably altered by the COVID-19 pandemic. We still aren’t recovered, and things will never be the same, but we’re making good headway towards a new normal. The time sure does fly!
I’m reminded of these ‘swiftest hours’ as I sit down again to write another welcome back edition of our newsletter. We’ve made it through an entire year again – already. In what seems like the blink of an eye, our new president has kicked off Project 2024 and has been inaugurated. During the inauguration of L. Song Richardson as Colorado College’s 14th president, one of the banners on stage gave subtle insight into some of the initial progress of Project 2024, by declaring that “We believe in our ability to help create a more just world by igniting the potential of our students.” In the simplest of terms, this is (I believe) largely the purpose of a liberal arts education and aligns impeccably with the framework we use in the Office of Sustainability. The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) specifically outline the initial areas that would create a more sustainable – read: more just – world.
This work continues even though we’ve reached major milestones. Even though CC continues to be ranked a top-ten institution in the world in multiple areas, we still have plenty of work to do, both to maintain our standing and to improve it. A lot of this progress has been drowned out by other major news stories brought on by the pandemic, severe weather events, insurrections, and more. But the fact is, CC has come to a long distance and has made great strides. We should celebrate those successes, but at the same time, we have even more work to do. The start of this academic year – though it has come with remarkable speed – marks another opportunity to continue our critically important work. I look forward to continuing our journey this year with our campus as we imagine ways to create a more just world.
We are thrilled to announce our new intern team for the 2022-2023 academic year. Our student team this year is as follows:
Lead Admin. – Amy Cotter Admin. Asst. – Portia DeSimone CC Exchange Manager – Annabelle Sparks CC Exchange Worker – Kate Lamkin Campus Programming – Brigitte Arcoite and Tam Phan Communications – Mahnoor Rehman and Jacob McDougall Emissions Interns – Holden Maxfield and Erin Mullins STARS – Hannah Shew Waste Interns – Alexa Rennie, Jasmine Sone, and Meredith Kuster
We are looking forward to a year full of interactive projects and events led by our team!
Become a volunteer and work alongside the Office of Sustainability intern teams. The volunteer positions allow you to learn about different sustainability projects as you gain new experiences, all while working flexible hours. You can choose among different teams depending on your interests and passions. Join the Sustainability Coordinator for an in-person session (Zoom option available) to learn about our volunteer programs, how to apply, and more.
Info session date:
Thursday, Sept. 8 from 12:30-1:00 p.m.
There is no need to RSVP for the session so you can just swing by the Office of Sustainability during these times.
Are you good with bikes and looking to make some extra cash? Apply to be a PikeRide Student Field Tech on Handshake! Field techs work with the PikeRide Operations Manager to help rebalance the PikeRide fleet on campus using a van or e-assist tricycle. Field Techs will assist in moving bikes to locations across campus and downtown Colorado Springs, take bikes to the service location for repair, monitor and charge bike batteries, and perform basic repairs to the bicycles. Some requirements of the position include being able to lift bikes up to 60lbs, having an aptitude for fixing bikes, being able to work independently for at least one 4-5 hour shift per week, on average, and balancing scheduling needs with other student field techs. Applications are available in Handshake now!
Want to see more of Colorado Springs, but don’t have car?
1) Start by downloading the PikeRide app in the App Store.
2) Sign up for an account using your @coloradocollege.edu email address.
3) Allow up to 24 hours for your membership to be activated.
4) Read the in-app instructions.
The best part? All students, staff, and faculty can ride PikeRide bikes for FREE for 90 minutes per day! *Note: You must lock your bike in one of the designated coverage areas and take a clear picture of the locked bike to not incur any fees.
The Office of Sustainability and Campus Activities present the CC Pantry Exchange, where CC students can access free food and swap their used items in one space. The CC pantry provides free food items including fruits, vegetables, and staples to combat food insecurity on campus. The CC Exchange is a space where students can donate their used items and pick up new items as a way to reduce the number of items thrown into the landfill. Both of these spaces are located downstairs in Worner and are open between 2 and 4 p.m. on every Thursday of the block.
Immerse yourself in one of the Office of Sustainability’s most popular Sense of Place tours with the Colorado Water Tour for Block Break 1! From Sept. 21-23, embark on an adventure by discovering the complex system of reservoirs, pipelines, and pump stations that feed water to Colorado Springs, and at the end of the day, relax at the Mt. Princeton Hot Springs Resort! With heaps of behind-the-scenes tours rarely offered to the public, this tour is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Spots are going fast, so don’t miss out! Sign up today on Summit.
East Campus Open House and Welcome Back Fair Highlight
It was great to see everyone during the NSO Resource Fair, Welcome Back Fair, and the East Campus Open House. We are so excited to continue to meet the Class of 2026 along with the rest of the student body and see the passion for sustainability on campus. Feel free to swing by our office to learn more, located at 1004 N. Weber St.
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