Office of Sustainability
Enhancing Educational Experiences within the Office of the Dean of the College
We are Hiring!
Are you interested in working for the Office of Sustainability next year? The OOS will be hiring positions on six teams next year: Administrative Assistants, CC Exchange, STARS, Emissions, Waste, and Communications. Along with individual duties for each team, student employees are asked to lead a volunteer team, attend weekly one-hour team meetings, meet with the Sustainability Coordinator once a block, and engage with the Campus Sustainability Council. Handshake positions will open on March 20 at 8 a.m. and will close on April 16 at 11:59 p.m. The Career Center is a great resource to get your resume and cover letter ready because your opportunity to apply is approaching fast! Have any questions or comments? Please reach out to our Sustainability Coordinator Mae Rohrbach at mrohrbach@coloradocollege.edu with any questions or comments.
Last block, the Office of Sustainability organized Spring Revival for the entire office. The event was in partnership with FAC’s Bemis School of Art. Students were encouraged to take a break from their busy schedules and indulge in a painting activity alongside their peers, tying together sustainability, art, and wellness. The Bemis School of Art graciously provided students with painting supplies as well as the instructor’s help for guidance throughout the session. The event was a wonderful place for the office to interact with each other, and OOS staff while enjoying yummy pastries and coffee!
E-Waste Block 6 Drop-Off Event
Do you have electronic waste you want to dispose of? Well, the CC Office of Sustainability has a solution for you! We recycle electronic waste. These are items that are no longer working, unwanted, or at the end of their life. Through E-Tech Recyclers, a local Colorado Springs e-waste business, these materials are safely and responsibly recycled. Acceptable and commonly recycled items include TVs, monitors, keyboards, cables, appliances, digital media players, cell phones, and other items. Please note we cannot recycle alkaline batteries, which include most household batteries, like Duracell, Energizer, and others.
Students who can transport their own items are invited to drop off items at Breton Hall Garage 8 on Friday, March 10 from 1:30-2:30 p.m. Please refer to the map below to locate the Breton Hall Garages (the northwest corner of parking lot C-1). Staff will be there to help you unload your items! Faculty and staff who cannot attend this event can fill out this request form for a pick-up, and a representative will be in touch with you about your request within three business days.
*Please note that if your items are both college-issued AND contain a hard drive (laptops, computers, etc.), you must reach out to ITS for them to wipe this hard drive before recycling. Additionally, a pickup option is available ONLY for office/departmental requests. For any personal requests from CC community members, drop-off at the e-waste garage is the only option.*
Sustainable Wednesdays Update
Created by our Campus Programming Team as a way to educate and encourage sustainable practices among the CC Community, Sustainable Wednesdays continues to see a great turnout. “Sustainable Wednesdays has given me an excellent opportunity to connect with the CC community and engage people in knowing more about sustainability through pop-up events. Campus Programming Team members design fun activities, which address sustainability from a variety of perspectives, from food waste trivia quizzes and freestyle doodling about the environment to mental health activities. There are more activities coming up in the next blocks, so stop by, have fun, and get environmentally friendly gifts from us,” says Campus Programming Team member Tam Phan ’25. Make sure to follow the OOS on Instagram to find out when our next Sustainable Wednesdays event will take place.
Campus Sustainability Council
Campus Sustainability Council has been revived by President Richardson for this academic year. One of the council’s main ambitions during this semester is to come up with a recommendation for Colorado College’s institutional goals regarding sustainability. The council comprises of nine members from different departments on campus:
- Ersaleen Hope, Assistant Vice President for Staff Equity and Inclusion
- George Eckhardt, Campus Planner, Facilities Services
- Ian Johnson, Director of the Office of Sustainability
- Katharina Groves, Director, Applications & Security, Office of Information Technology
- Mae Rohrbach, Coordinator at the Office of Sustainability
- Mahnoor Rehman ‘24, Student Representative
- Michael Brubaker, Campus Operations and Plant Manager, Facilities Services
- Molly Hadley, Assistant Director at the Wellness Resource Center
- Nic Johnson, Director, Facilities Services
Make Your Next Event Green
Interested in hosting a group event that is not only sustainable but also responsible? Here are some key guidelines for “green” events:
- It is important to be socially responsible by providing accommodations for different cultures, religions, and backgrounds. This includes finding vegetarian and vegan options for food and further providing necessary accessibility resources for attendees.
- Moreover, to be environmentally friendly, try to avoid single-use and pre-wrapped products when eating or drinking. When it comes to waste management, begin by reducing your use of paper flyers or posters and opt for digital marketing instead.
- Make sure to offer sustainable transportation alternatives such as the free ZEB Shuttle, if applicable, so you can either subsidize or offset your carbon footprint. Lastly, find a location for the event that maximizes the daylight hours instead of having to rely on energy sources.
- By sticking to these guidelines, we can enjoy ourselves while also considering how our individual actions have larger social and environmental implications.
Coming Soon…Earth Week 2023
Are you ready for Earth Week 2023 at Colorado College? While Earth Day is generally recognized all around the country, here at Colorado College, Earth Day lasts all week. More than one day is needed to properly honor and appreciate our beautiful planet. During the third week of Block 7, the OOS, along with other on-campus partners, will be hosting events throughout the week to engage the community around various sustainability-focused themes. At the core of Earth Week is a campus-wide movement to increase our awareness and consciousness surrounding how we engage with the earth. Earth Week is an opportunity to celebrate the earth in ways you might not otherwise, and we highly encourage participation throughout the week.
If you have an event for Earth Week that you are planning as part of a student organization, office, or department, please reach out to the OOS at sustainability@coloradocollege.edu for marketing purposes.