Campus Events Requests All Events for the Next Academic Year be Submitted by March 29.

Dear Colleagues,

One of the significant themes to come out of Project 2024 is the need to increase efficiency across campus. To that end, we are creating a collaborative governance structure for the college to enhance community engagement and facilitate informed decision-making processes and policies.
We formed the College Events Operational Group (CEOG), comprised of dedicated staff and faculty, aiming to streamline the campus events process to deliver the unified CC experience. To enhance support and promotion of your events, please submit your events for the next academic year no later than March 29 via the events management portal on the single sign-in page. This allows for sufficient time to review all requests and recommend events to be highlighted as part of CC’s 150th celebration.
The CEOG divided into smaller committees focusing on key aspects:
  1. Event Categories under Pillars (Student Transformation, Thriving Communities, Courageous Conversations, and Visibility):
    • Signature Events
    • College Business
    • Athletics
    • Student Events
    • Community Events
  2. Momentus (formerly Ungerboeck) Updates:
    • Inclusion of ALL event spaces
    • Requesting support from departments like Communications, Parking, and Campus Safety
    • Expanding required questions
  3. Campus Calendar Alignment:
    • To optimize resource allocation and prevent scheduling conflicts, we’re ensuring all events are on the campus calendar.
If you have any questions or concerns about getting your events submitted, please reach out to Don Herbst at


Dean of the College and COO

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