Dear Campus Community,
For the last four years, our ADEI leadership team has strengthened the college’s commitment to antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion through relationship-building, thoughtful programming, and strategic planning and implementation.
The three-person ADEI model was designed to build capacity for equity and belonging — diving deeply into the day-to-day practices of the institution to highlight and clarify systemic gaps where ADEI principles can and should be applied. Using a constituent-centered lens, the team created a holistic, custom, and modernized
ADEI strategic plan, supported by divisional goals, to advance our antiracism commitment. Last summer, the ADEI leadership team became part of the President’s Office, moving beyond specific constituencies to focus more intentionally on institutional transformation.
I am grateful for Ersaleen, Peony, and Rosalie’s leadership, and I am committed to honoring and building upon the incredible work this team has done as we look ahead to the next two years.
As our campus and the higher education landscape evolve, we must affirm our commitment to ADEI and build its principles into the college’s DNA. To do this, we must empower a leader with the time and bandwidth to focus broadly on strategy rather than tactics. The college will benefit from a consistent voice at the executive level, ensuring an equity-centered lens and expertise are incorporated into all institutional decision-making.
With this in mind, we are beginning a national search for a Chief Diversity Officer — a cabinet-level position — who will champion the college’s commitment to antiracism, strategizing with the president and cabinet to ensure a cohesive institutional approach to ADEI that embeds equity practices into college operations. They will coordinate leadership for diversity issues across the college using a systems-thinking approach and regularly evaluate ADEI efforts, aligning resources with objectives, processes, and outcomes. This role will be posted in the coming weeks and is open to both internal and external applicants.
Importantly, the work of building a diverse and welcoming environment with a strong sense of belonging does not fall solely on one leader. A team in the Office of Institutional Equity and Belonging will support the CDO by organizing and carrying out programming — and to be an antiracist institution, we all must center antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion in our day-to-day work. Thank you for your commitment to this process.
For additional information about the CDO position and the Office of Institutional Equity and Belonging, please consult
these FAQs.
Manya Whitaker
Executive Vice President and Chief of Staff
Interim President-Elect