Block 7 People Connections – Human Resources Newsletter

This newsletter contains important details about Benefits Open Enrollment, helpful information about the current Performance Conversation, and an opportunity to sign up for the Compensation Open Forum. 

Benefits Open Enrollment

CC makes significant investments in our benefits offerings to support you as an employee. To get the most value from these investments, we encourage you to review your selections during open enrollment.  
The eBenefits portal provides a convenient platform for you to review your current selections and make any necessary changes. The annual Benefits open enrollment period will run from Wednesday, May 1, 2024, to Friday, May 31, 2024. This is your chance to add, delete, or modify any of your benefits, and to enroll or disenroll eligible dependents. Most changes made during this period will take effect on July 1, 2024. 
During open enrollment, you’ll also have the opportunity to enroll for supplemental life insurance up to the guaranteed issue amount through The Hartford, with a one-time chance to waive the requirement for Evidence Of Insurability (EOI). Optional life insurance may be purchased in increments of one to five times your annual salary with a maximum of $500,000; the cost per $1,000 of coverage is based on an age-rated chart. You can make this update through the eBenefits portal
If you would like to keep your current benefits as they are, you do not need to do anything during open enrollment, unless you currently participate in the flexible spending account (FSA). The FSA is the only benefit that must be renewed each year online. You can complete this renewal through the eBenefits portal
If you have any questions, please contact Gina Lujan at

Feedback Practices 

The April Performance Conversation for benefit eligible staff is currently underway! This training video is available to walk you through the Performance Conversation process and answer many of your questions.  
The quarterly Performance Conversations were intentionally designed to take less time and take some of the burden off our employees and supervisors who already do so much. Each party will be asked two short-answer questions, two rating questions, and will select an overall rating. Since the lookback period is only three months, rather than a full year, your answers should be 3-5 sentences (or bullet points) that best describe your contributions and feedback provided over last quarter. If you have not already, take a few minutes to log into Bridge and complete your Self-Review, Manager Review, and Performance Conversation prior to the deadline of Friday, May 3. 
To help support you through these changes, Sara San Souci has office hours available. Schedule a time to meet and get support. 

Compensation Open Forum

Sign up for the Compensation Open Forum on April 23, 3:30-4:30 p.m. 
where we will discuss the Compensation Philosophy and the compensation structure (rebanding) project.

HR Updates 

The 2024-25 Administrative Calendar is now posted. You can find it on the HR homepage under Organizational Information.  
Visit the HR Updates page to check out past editions of the People Connections newsletter, along with recent updates from HR.

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