Around the Block – Congratulations to the Class of 2024!

Commencement This Sunday!

ID: Graphic for Class of 2024 Commencement

Staff and Faculty Commencement Tickets

A very limited number of tickets remain for staff and faculty who would like to attend and are not marching. Tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis with a limit of one ticket per staff or faculty member. In order to claim your ticket, please reach out directly to Harris Varnum at


Please remember there are no bottles and no bags allowed in the arena.

Champagne Showers! 

ID: Caucasian man with long curly hair wearing sunglasses and black tank top balancing a bottle of champagne on his chin by the cork ID: photo of students with champagne spraying all around them
Continuing the 17-year CC tradition, the Class of 2024 celebrated their graduation with Champagne Showers on Worner Quad before the Senior Class BBQ.
All Photos by Jamie Cotten

ID: photo of students happy with a young man holding a bottle of champagne upside down ID: students shouting in joy while spraying champagne

Happening on Campus

Please note that District 11 Graduation Ceremonies are taking place at Ed Robson Arena next week.

Monday, May 20 will be an all-day rehearsal and the ceremonies will take place Tuesday and Wednesday. Road closures will be from 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Tejon will be closed from Dale to Cache la Poudre, and Cache la Poudre will be closed from Nevada to Cascade. 

For those who park in Robson Garage, you can park in the S3 lot or the Armstrong lot, as long as you get in before the roads close.

Geology Professor Paul Myrow’s latest research is creating a buzz in the media!

ID: man of about mid-thirties with short darm hair in a green henley shirt, standing if front of stone wall, looking at the camera
Myrow’s fascinating finds propose that a mass die-off half a billion years ago was caused by shifting tectonic plates, according to research done on ancient rocks. 

Anthropology Professor’s Therapy Dog Reduces Student Stress Levels

ID: Black pitbull mix wearing a yellow tshirt, staring at the camera

Moka, certified therapy dog. Photo provided by Dr. Krista Fish.
ID: Black pitbull mix with white paws, wearing a harness with leash, lying down under a table.

Moka is pictured under the table during Fish’s Primate Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation. Photo provided by Fish.
ID: a group of students interacting with the pitbull mix

Students in Evolution of Human Life Histories Block 6 class play with Moka after class on March 13. Photo provided by Fish.
CC is known for providing hands-on, experiential learning to its students, but Associate Professor and Chair of the Anthropology Department Dr. Krista Fish ’97 decided to take this one step further by incorporating her dog Moka into her classes. Fish brings the pit bull on exam days and other stressful days and incorporates her into the class curriculum. 

Before bringing Moka to class, Fish checks in with her students to make sure everyone is comfortable with having a dog in the classroom. While all of Fish’s students have been happy to have Moka visit, it is clear that some students truly thrive when she is there.

FAC Corner

Commencement Special for Grads and Their Families

The FAC is offering free admission to the museum May 17-18 in honor of Commencement. Use the code Commencement2024 if purchasing tickets online, or let the front desk know when you arrive. In addition, for Friday only, get buy one/get one free tickets to see Rent.

Photo of the Week

ID: students celebrating with Champagne Showers, and one person drinking from the bottle

Continuing the CC tradition, the Class of 2024 celebrated their graduation with Champagne Showers on Worner Quad. Photo by Jamie Cotten
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