Advising Hub Block 1 Newsletter

Advising Hub Spotlight

Hello, and from us at the Advising Hub, welcome back for the ’24 fall semester! In this newsletter, we hope to regularly share important updates, pre-professional information and advising, and how we at the Advising Hub can help you flourish during your time at CC.
If you haven’t met with us yet, Hub advisors help students identify academic and personal goals, and plan educational pathways to meet those goals. We also advise students on course selection, general education requirements, and navigate CC’s policies and procedures. We work closely with other offices on campus to ensure that we know how best to answer or direct a variety of questions, so if you’re having difficulty navigating any part of your time at CC, we’re here to help in any way that we can.
Come see us! You can use this link to make an appointment, or come see us at one of our upcoming pop-ups. If you are unsure of who your hub advisor is, you can locate them in Stellic on the “Track your Progress” page.
In this issue, you will find information on:

Academic Coaching

Starting this year, the Advising Hub is offering Academic Coaching sessions! In academic coaching appointments, our role is not to simply provide advice or direction but to collaborate with you on your journey and help you in the areas that you want to grow, not just areas you might be struggling in. We believe that Academic Coaching can make a significant difference in your college experience, contributing to your personal and academic success.
At its core, Academic Coaching is a collaborative relationship, with topics led by you. Some of these topics may include:
  • Short or long term goal setting
  • Ways to study more effectively
  • Ideas for resisting procrastination
  • Strategies to help you with balance, so that you aren’t overworking yourself
  • Collaborating on making a study schedule and other time management tools
  • Academic anxiety
  • Organizing and planning 
For more information, you can visit this website. If you’re interested in taking advantage of this valuable resource, email your hub advisor. Spaces are limited!

We are off to a great start this semester. The Health Professions Advising website has been updated and revised.  Please take a look when you have a chance! 
There are several opportunities for you to get involved that are on the horizon. Please mark your calendars:
  • Club Fair
    Thursday, Aug. 29, 3:30-5:30 p.m.
    Several pre-health clubs will be in attendance.  Go visit their tables and get involved!
  • Health Professions Club Meeting
    Thursday, Sept. 5, 12:15-1:00 p.m., Olin 1 Lecture Hall
  • Introduction to Pre-Health Professions Workshop for New Students
    Wednesday, Sept. 25, 12:15 – 1:00 p.m., Kresge Lecture Hall, Tutt Science Building
  • University of Colorado Pre-Health Day
    Saturday, Sept. 28, 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    Sign-up at the pre-health club meeting.
  • Pre-Dental and Pre-vet clubs are meeting this block.  Dates are TBD.  Email” style=”font-weight: normal;font-weight: normal;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline”> for more information.
  • In-Person Mock Interviews
    Thursday, Oct. 24, 5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
    For med, dental, vet, and PA programs. More details soon!
Please look-out for the job posting for a Pre-Health Intern on Handshake.  I plan to hire two students per semester.  Posting should be active by week 3 of block 1.
Hello and welcome to a new school year! 

I hope you all had a great summer and are ready to start the year off on a great foot. For those that don’t know me, my name is Gretchen Wardell and I am the pre-law advisor on campus. I am excited to get to know you!

Here are a few things for you to think about during your 4 years at Colorado College:

  • Keep your grades up. Grades are important to law schools. That does not mean you have to have a 4.0 GPA but the higher you can keep your GPA, the better.
  • Get to know your professors. Letters of recommendation are important so please get to know your professors. Take more than one class with a few professors so they have more to write about.
  • First year students, this is a great time to explore. Let’s talk about different ways to get involved on campus and what your interests are. It’s ok to try all kinds of different things even if it isn’t law related.
  • Sophomores and juniors, focus your interest area. Stay involved in clubs or activities and obtain some leadership. It’s better to participate in fewer things and be more involved. In other words, show up for more than just a random meeting here and there.
  • Seniors (and maybe some juniors!), let’s talk timelines and application processes.
Let’s talk through your particular situation. Feel free to make an appointment. I’m always happy to chat!

Advising Hub Pop-Ups

Need to Add/Drop for next block and not sure what class to take? Need a hand declaring your major? Wondering which gen ed requirements you have left to complete?
The Advising Hub Staff Advisors are popping up around campus to answer student questions. Stop by, ask a question, grab a snack, say hello!  Convenient for students on-the-go. Students, faculty, and staff are encouraged to visit.
Block 1 Pop-Ups
  • Thursday, Aug. 29th, 12-2 p.m., Worner Quad
  • Thursday, Sept. 12th, 12-2 p.m., South/Tava Circle Quad
Block 2 Pop-Ups
  • Thursday, Sept. 26th, 12-2 p.m., Worner Quad
  • Thursday, Oct. 10th, 12-2 p.m., Tutt Library South Courtyard