Enterprise Risk Management SOG
The Enterprise Risk Management sub-group continues to compile information for the prioritized risk register, identifying risk owner(s), risk sources/triggers, and specific controls to mitigate the identified risks. This work is ongoing through the Spring Semester to help set a plan for implementation of mitigation strategies and to identify any resources needed. The operations group is looking to prioritize four of the 11 risks including: Students of Concern, Technology Changes, Budgeting & Financial Forecasting, and Legal/Compliance Management.
The Incident Management Team is planning for the next tabletop exercise that will work through a scenario involving both on-campus and external community organizations.
The Campus Events subgroup would like to remind everyone that all events for the next academic year need to be submitted by March 31, 2025.
The Digital Transformation Operational Group (DTOG) is a comprehensive governance structure designed to advance technological innovation, optimize operational efficiencies, and enhance resource allocation across the institution. This initiative encompasses four distinct subcommittees: IT Governance, ERP Optimization and Transition, Data Governance, and Generative AI Strategy. Under the direction of appointed chairs and comprising representatives from key institutional stakeholders, the DTOG will systematically evaluate and prioritize information technology initiatives and resources to ensure alignment with the College’s strategic objectives. Be on the lookout for more information.
The Space Governance SOG is charged with developing and implementing space management strategies, policies, and practices to support efficient and effective use and stewardship of physical assets, anticipate future space needs, and respond to college priorities and the space utilization study conducted last summer.