Campus-Wide Update from ITS and Tutt Library for March 14, 2023

It is time for the Block 6 update from ITS. There is nothing to report from Tutt Library at this time. If you have questions about any of the information presented here, please reach out to Linda Petro at (719) 389-6250 or” style=”font-weight: normal;font-weight: normal;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline”>

Security Operations Center

ITS’s Security Operations Center is now active, although still being fine-tuned. The SOC is for IT, as well as all campus constituents, to have a central spot to review what is happening real-time with the college’s security applications and processes. If you have questions about it, would like to see it in action, or want to know more about IT security, please contact Jeff Montoya, IT security engineer, at (719) 389-6452 or” style=”font-weight: normal;font-weight: normal;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline”>

Pictured above: Jeff Montoya, IT security engineer, and Dan
Wiencek, user support specialist-AV & new media, adjust the
equipment in the IT Security Operations Center. Photo by Linda Petro

Housing information to be located on StarRez

The Housing Office is migrating student room assignment data to StarRez. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

1. Student room assignment data (currently located in Banner) will soon be obsolete and will no longer be updated. The tables will still exist in Banner but the data itself will quickly become outdated, and any reports using them will also not be accurate. 

2. All up-to-date student room assignments will need to be queried directly from StarRez. You can email if you will need access to StarRez.

3. Student on-campus addresses will still be updated in Banner, but the update process from StarRez runs only once per day. Always use StarRez to locate up-to-the-minute room assignments. As a reminder, all student mail should continue to go to Worner Box addresses.

4. All Banner housing administration functionality will be turned off in the coming weeks. This change primarily impacts Housing staff and students; the Housing Office is handling communications with those stakeholders.

Email address creation process change – update to Nov. 8, 2022, information

After determining that our process of reusing email addresses was creating some issues with third party integrations, we will be changing our policy to no longer reuse email addresses. The address naming scheme has not yet been finalized but should be soon.

Purchasing applications 

All application purchases, whether for individual, departmental, or college-wide business use, must go through the Tech Adoption process prior to purchase, per the college’s policy. The ITS Tech Adoption website provides more information about how and when to submit a request. We don’t want to prevent you from getting the tools you need, but instead want to make sure the tools you are investigating have the proper security and integration measures in place to prevent data breaches and fit into our existing, complex ITS systems. Following the process also allows us to better accommodate your needs into our existing workflows and can prevent lengthy delays in implementation. Contact Tech Adoption group co-chair Linda Petro at (719) 389-6250 or” style=”font-weight: normal;font-weight: normal;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline”> with questions or feedback about the process.

IT Excel at CC upcoming courses 

Introduction to Power Automate: Thursday, March 16, 10 to 11:30 a.m. in Barnes Science Center, Room 203 (PC Lab)

“How Much You Print” reports have restarted

After a pandemic hiatus, the “How Much You Print” once-a-block reports have restarted as of March 2, 2023. If you didn’t receive yours or can’t find it in your junk email folder, contact the Solutions Center at (719) 389-6449 or

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