Huge Thanks for Your Help

Dear Campus Community,

The College Events Operational Group (CEOG) would like to extend a hearty thank you for your partnership and diligently putting your events into Momentus after our request February 1. We received over 1500 event requests! Your invaluable collaboration not only helps us plan our resources better for each event, but also helps Facilities proactively plan needed maintenance in our spaces, as they are able to schedule far in advance.

The CEOG will be going through each event request, making sure we have no large events that conflict, and determining which of these events will be branded for the 150th Celebration. If your event needs to be moved or your event is chosen to be a 150th branded event, someone from College Events will reach out to you directly by early August. For those hosting events that have not yet been entered into Momentus, please reach out to directly instead of putting them into the system.

We have decided to continue the CEOG indefinitely, but with changes to the members as the directives for the group change. We are still working on categorization and policy updates for events in order to be more proactive and efficient in our planning structure. More work in streamlining is happening, and we will continue to share our progress with you.


Brenda Soto

Assistant Vice President for College Events

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