Mark your calendar for Fall Conference 2024, Thursday, Aug. 15, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. on Tava Quad, hosted by the Academic Events Committee.
Join Interim President Manya Whitaker for a brief welcome, followed by Professor Mike Taber, Chair of the 150th Committee, who will kick off CC’s Sesquicentennial celebration. Breakfast starts at 8 a.m. and remarks begin at 8:45 a.m. Afterward, we will break into small groups to attend sessions such as “Student Activism at CC,” “Exploring Colorado College Flora,” and “From Centennial to Sesquicentennial: A Personal Recollection.”
This is an opportunity to reconnect with colleagues and start the new academic year together. Please register by 9 a.m. August 12. On-site registration will not be available this year.