Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Budget Reallocation is Open The budget reallocation process is now open and will be available through Friday 5/12/23.  Click the link below or access the Budget Office webpage directly for instructions on how to reallocate your budget lin… Posted by abryce Staff: The Race, Ethnicity, and …

Apply to Join President’s Council

Dear Students, I invite you to apply for a special leadership opportunity for next academic year: membership on the President’s Council.     The President’s Council is an advisory council for me, designed to be a representative body of the campus, and comprised of approximately 10-15 student leaders. Applicants are selected each year based on …

Graduation Season Begins with Honors Convocation

Honor Student Achievements and Recognize Faculty and Staff Mentors Commencement festivities begin Tuesday, May 16, with Honors Convocation at 11 a.m. in Shove Memorial Chapel. President Richardson, Dean Emily Chan, and the Academic Events Committee invite the CC community to Honors Convocation. This will happen in place of the usual First Mondays event. There will …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Art and the Environment, Block A Course AH200 Topics in Art History: Art and the Environment  Instructor:  Andrea Bell Interested in examining th… Posted by carfsten Take MAKING MOMENTS in B8! Love devising new performance work? Take MAKING MOMENTS in B8!   Are you a creative …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Staff: Annual Performance Evaluation Reminder Performance evaluation season is almost over! By now, you should have had the opportunity to speak with your supervisor about the work you did last year, your challenges, areas where they can support you, and w… Posted by ssansouci Art and …

Don’t Forget the Next Work of the College Roadshow

Tomorrow! The Work of the College Roadshow: Staff Compensation Don’t forget to join Ryan Simmons, vice president of people and workplace culture, Lori Seager, vice president of finance and chief financial officer, and Laurie Mozingo, associate vice president for people operations, tomorrow, Tuesday, April 25 at 2-3 p.m., in JLK McHugh Commons, to learn about …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Love devising new performance work? Take MAKING MOMENTS in B8! Are you a creative person who loves to devise your own work and would like to experience a deep dive into performance-making? Then take Advanced Performance: Making Moments taught by Mónica San… Posted by pherminjard Preregistration …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Budget Reallocation is Open The budget reallocation process is now open and will be available through Friday 5/12/23.  Click the link below or access the Budget Office webpage directly for instructions on how to reallocate your budget lin… Posted by abryce Preregistration News | Tips for …
