Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Sign up for MU227 Elementary Music Practicum in Block 3 Learn how to guide children in music experiences at the elementary level with methods such as Dalcroze, Kodaly, Suzuki, and more! A study of elementary general music education in school settings with foc… Posted by lgregory …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Creative Leadership Conversations: A Motivational Interviewing Seminar According to a recent article in the Harvard Business Review, the landscape of corporate leadership is shifting: “Large companies today have increasingly complex operations, heavier reliance on technol… Posted by kcarroll Non-Credit Bearing Half Block Registration in Summit-Student Life Non-Credit Bearing Half Block …

CC Campus Mental Health Update

Sent on behalf of the President and the President’s Cabinet Dear Campus Community,    We hear you and see you. Like many other schools, we are dealing with a national mental health crisis, and that crisis is very real and present for us here on the Colorado College campus. We also recognize that the Block Plan can …

President’s Leadership Awards

The President’s Leadership Awards Program recognizes colleagues who make an impact as strong leaders, innovative role models, and positive collaborators. Previous winners of the President’s Leadership Awards were nominated by faculty or staff colleagues. Winning nominations should include telling a detailed story about the person or group and how they demonstrated the qualities of the …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Half Block Registration Opens Next Monday Registration for H Block will take place in Add/Drop starting at noon on the first day of Block 3 (that’s next week Monday!)   Once opened, Half Block will remain open … Posted by anicholas DLA Learning Circle: Assessing Digital Projects …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Keller Venture Grant Presentations Last year, over $82,000 in Keller Family Venture Grants were awarded to 75 CC students to pursue individual research projects. Some of these Keller Family Venture Grant students traveled globally, and others en… Posted by mmills Creative Leadership Conversations: A Motivational Interviewing Seminar According …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Keller Venture Grant Presentations Last year, over $82,000 in Keller Family Venture Grants were awarded to 75 CC students to pursue individual research projects. Some of these Keller Family Venture Grant students traveled globally, and others en… Posted by mmills Creative Leadership Conversations: A Motivational Interviewing Seminar According …
