Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Summer Research Payment Form After faculty have identified students who will be researching with them this summer, please take a moment to collaborate with administrative assistants to fill out the Summer… Posted by lschwartz 4/13 – 4/15: “Written in Our own Hand” – an art installation presented by FGS …

The COVID Weekly Report: Monday, April 11

Here’s what you need to know for the week of April 11: Use the CC COVID-19 dashboard to inform your masking choices Vaccinated students test once this week Stay up to date on COVID vaccinations   Students: Test Once this Week Screening testing helps to prevent large outbreaks by breaking chains of infection. Based on …

Join the Board of Trustees for Town Hall Today

Today: Join Trustees for Town Hall The Colorado College Board of Trustees was in town last week for its spring meeting. You’re invited to attend a virtual town hall where board leaders will share an update from their meeting. The Board of Trustees town hall meeting with Board Chair Jeff Keller ’91, P ’22, Vice Chair …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements FG219 “Gendered Controversies” with Professor Nadia Guessous – Offered in Block A Summer 2022! Professor Nadia Guessous is offering FG219 “Gendered Controversies” this Summer 2022 in Block A. This course introduces students to a transnational feminist approach by critically analyzing gendered cont… Posted by mkrugly Graduate …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Staff: Annual Staff Performance Excellence Reminder for 4/11/22 Remember to get performance review meetings completed this  month!  The dialogue during the performance review meeting should represent a culmination of the ongoing conversations throughout the evaluation perio… Posted by sdeabueno 4/13 – 4/15: “Written in Our own …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements 4/13 – 4/15: “Written in Our own Hand” – an art installation presented by FGS Major Daya T. Stanley Event Flyer “Written in Our own Hand” is a multi-media exploration of the … Posted by mkrugly Event Intern Summer Conferences Looking for a summer job….the events …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements 4/13 – 4/15: “Written in Our own Hand” – an art installation presented by FGS Major Daya T. Stanley Event Flyer “Written in Our own Hand” is a multi-media exploration of the … Posted by mkrugly Event Intern Summer Conferences Looking for a summer job….the events …

Around the Block: Celebrating Building on Originality 🎉

Honoring Community Engagement The Collaborative for Community Engagement’s Community Engagement Recognition Night is coming up May 5, to recognize students, faculty, staff, alumni, and community partners who have gone above and beyond in contributing to the public good. If you missed this or any of last week’s newsletter items (it ended up in many readers’ junk …
