Updated Today at CC Daily Digest

Starting tomorrow, you may notice a slight difference in the Today at CC Digest message that lands in your inbox at 6 a.m. Now, instead of having a separate message for faculty announcements/events and a separate message for staff announcements/events, all employees will receive the same daily email. The majority of the items posted are …

Divisional Climate Survey Results Available Now

Thank you again for participating in the 2021 employee engagement climate survey. Now, along with the overall survey results, divisional results are also available. The divisional results provide an opportunity to reflect on division-specific priorities and plans to achieve them. Next steps: From mid-March through June, members of each division will work together to identify three …

Around the Block CC Community Making Environmental Impact

Maddi Schink ’23 in Running for Truman Scholarship Maddison “Maddi” Schink ’23 is in the running for a Truman Scholarship. Inspired by President Harry S. Truman and established in 1975, the scholarship provides funding for graduate studies and leadership training. It also opens doors to career counseling and internship and fellowship opportunities in the federal government …

Work Toward Becoming an Antiracist Institution

CC’s Antiracism Implementation Plan provides a framework to guide the college’s progress toward becoming an antiracist institution.Every step we take toward antiracism will make us better, and prepare our students to push for progress in the world. This commitment to antiracism is impacting our work and our lives as members of the CC community. CC Adds Caste …

Welcome New Leadership

Dear Students, Staff, and Faculty,  As we progress with Project 2024 meetings, Conversations with the President, and campus climate and racial climate surveys, I am impressed that this campus community cares deeply about making CC an even greater and more positively impactful college than it already is. Our future is bright.Today I am sharing exciting …

LACRELA eConvenings: Spots Still Available!

Colorado College is a member of LACRELA, Liberal Arts Colleges Racial Equity Leadership Alliance, sponsored by University of Southern California’s Race and Equity Center. As a member, CC can send up to 10 employees (staff and faculty) per e-convening.   Sign up for these remote professional development interactive seminars on topics (see list below) related to diversity, equity, …

75 Days to Commencement

The biggest annual celebration on the CC campus — Commencement — is coming up Sunday, May 22, 8:30 a.m., in Ed Robson Arena. That’s just 75 days away! Additional end-of-year and Commencement festivities include: Honors Convocation, Tuesday, May 10, at 11 a.m. This is CC’s opportunity to honor outstanding students and faculty. The annual program …

Students Test Twice Weekly

Here’s what you need to know for the week of March 7: Students test twice weekly CC COVID-19 dashboard now contains data visualization Help build air filters today Adjust to new CDC mask guidance Students Test Twice Weekly As shared with campus Thursday morning, CC is currently experiencing an increase in COVID-19 cases on campus. …

You’re Invited to a Spring Break Party

Sent on behalf of Staff Council: Join Staff Council for a Spring Break Party! Staff Council invites all CC staff to gather for snacks and drinks on Thursday, March 17, 2-4 p.m., at the Ed Robson Arena concourse. Meet your Staff Council reps, socialize with staff colleagues from across campus, and maybe win a cool prize. …

Around the Block: Women Leading the Way

Students: Sign Up for Black Italian Cinema and Digital Performance in Block 7 In Block 7, Assistant Professor Amanda Minervini will be co-teaching with  Italian-Ghanaian director and activist, Fred Kuwornu the class “IT320/FM206 Black Italian Cinema and Digital Performance,” which was the first course to be entirely dedicated to Afroitalian media ever taught in the …
