Get Ready for Winter Commencement!

Winter Commencement, set for Sunday, Dec. 17 at 1 p.m., is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate those students who complete their undergraduate studies prior to the May Commencement ceremony. This year’s event will take place in-person in Shove Memorial Chapel, and the ceremony will include remarks from President L. Song Richardson with a Commencement …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Colorado College Activism Institute The CC Activism Institute is an internship program that offers students an opportunity to engage in advoc… Posted by ghart2023 ATTN GRAD| Closed for Winter (did you miss the deadline?) Winter Graduates | Apply to Graduate for Winter 2023 is now closed (as …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Colorado College Activism Institute The CC Activism Institute is an internship program that offers students an opportunity to engage in advoc… Posted by ghart2023 BLOCK 7 PRODUCTION LABORATORY: TH200: Topics in Theatre: Staging Eurydice Looking for a fun, creative, high-impact learning experience? Want FULL CREDIT for …

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Contact Improvisation Jam Today Come roll out of bed and roll around on the floor with us today.  Cossitt South Studio 1-3PM.  Play and make dances together. The only requirements are a sense of curiosity and desire for connection. … Posted by slauther Colorado College Activism …

Winter Commencement is Nearly Upon Us

Join us to celebrate Colorado College’s winter graduates! Sunday, December 17 1 p.m. Mountain Time Shove Memorial Chapel Winter Commencement is an opportunity to recognize and celebrate those students who complete their undergraduate studies prior to the May Commencement ceremony.   This year’s ceremony will include remarks from President L. Song Richardson and a Commencement …

Introducing the new CC Holiday Party!

It’s Holiday Party Time! All faculty and staff are invited to the brand-new CC Holiday Party on Friday, Dec. 15 from 2-5 p.m. at Cornerstone Arts Center! This end-of-year celebration for all CC employees will feature games, prizes, food, drinks, and much more. In the spirit of feedback received for Project 2024, this shared event between …
