Operational Governance Below you will find brief updates on the progress of the Standing and Temporary Operational Groups. If you would like more information, you can find meeting summaries and additional information by visiting the Operational Governance website. New operational groups that have been formed are Digital Transformation, Space Governance, and Protection of Minors. …
Author Archives: operationalgovernance
Work of the College Block 5 Newsletter
Operational Governance Below you will find brief updates on the progress of the Standing and Temporary Operational Groups. If you would like more information, you can find meeting summaries and additional information by visiting the Operational Governance website. Standing Operational Group (SOG) Updates Student Success SOG The Student Support subgroup is currently working on …
Work of the College Block 4 Newsletter
Space Governance Operational Group One of the recommendations from the space utilization study that was conducted last year was to form a Space Governance Operational Group (SGOG). The SGOG will begin establishing structures to support governance of campus spaces. The CC community is invited to submit recommendations for representation on this operational group. What roles …
Work of the College Block 3 Newsletter
Operational Governance Below you will find brief updates on the progress of the Standing and Temporary Operational Groups. If you would like more information, you can find meeting summaries, including those of the College Operational Leadership Team (COLT) and additional information by visiting the website and clicking on your group of interest. Standing Operational …
Introducing the New Operational Governance Structure
Work of the College Welcome to the Work of the College newsletter. Every second Wednesday of the block, we will share updates about various college initiatives including progress reports of the standing and temporary operational groups, Work of the College Series events, important organizational and operational updates, college policy administration, and other helpful information. …
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