Final Reminder to Submit for the Just World Awards

Dear Campus Community, This is a friendly reminder that nominations for the Just World Awards will close this Friday, March 3. If you have not yet submitted your nomination, please make sure you do so by Friday. These five awards recognize CC alumni, students, staff, faculty, and retirees who are dedicated to actions and principles that create …

Block 6 Music Events

Visiting Artists at Packard, plus free tickets to Intermezzo! Unless otherwise indicated, all concerts are in Packard Hall, are free, and require no tickets. Visiting Artists: Lawrence Stomberg, cello; Ketty Nez, piano 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 9 Program: Leoš Janáček —  Pohádka Bohdana Frolyak —  Flutter Ketty Nez —  5 moments Gyula Bánkövi —  Douleur …

Career Center Newsletter 2/28/23

Career Center Newsletter Events and Opportunities The Summer Internship Funding Application is open for 2023. All applications must be submitted through Summit (under the Office of the Dean of the College). Funding is intended to increase the ability of CC students to participate in internships that are unpaid or underpaid. Each Colorado College student is eligible to receive one …

Don’t Forget: Board of Trustees Town Hall

Don’t Forget the Colorado College Board of Trustees Town Hall tomorrow, Feb. 28, 2-3 p.m.   Have you registered? Tomorrow, Tues., Feb. 28, 2-3 p.m. the Board of Trustees officers will join President L. Song Richardson for a town hall via Zoom to share an update from their meeting Feb. 16-18. Please register in advance to participate.  …

Updates on Our Commitment to Mental Health and Wellness

Update From the President’s Cabinet As we work together to make mental health and wellness a top priority on campus, we want to share recent progress toward that commitment. The mental health task force had its first meeting in January with more than 80 alumni, parents, students, staff, and faculty signed up to work on …


HOW TO INCREASE COMPOSITIONAL DIVERSITY OF CC COMMUNITY BLOCK 6: CROWN FORUM: ANTIRACISM IMPLEMENTATION PLAN GOALS How to Increase Compositional Diversity of CC Community The FEC’s number one priority this year is to support the college in implementing the antiracism plan goals while upholding academic freedom.  We are co-sponsoring a series of forums from Blocks …

Our Decision to Pull Out of U.S. News & World Report Rankings

Dear CC Community, We have a long history of thinking differently and accomplishing what other schools cannot. We provide the finest liberal arts education anywhere in order to ignite our students’ passions and potential so they can help to create a more just world. After extensive deliberations and surveys of our students, staff, faculty, parents, …

Don’t Forget the Block 6 First Monday, Feb. 27 at 11:15 a.m.

Don’t forget the Block 6 First Mondays speaker, Monday, Feb. 27, at 11:15 a.m. in the Kathryn Mohrman Theatre. Start Block 6 with the campus community by joining us for a talk by Melanie Auguste ’09, as she shares her unique journey from CC to Nike with “Finding Your ‘Mountain’ and Learning to Climb It: …

Around the Block – Campus News

Black History is American History Ernest Crimm III is a Black history application specialist who uses Black history to empower and educate families and train educators on how to best reach their students in a culturally compliant manner. Crim is a former high school educator of 12 years, who now teaches Black history to the …
