In Solidarity with Our Native and Indigenous Community

“Antiracism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including within yourself.” – Ijeoma Oluo Dear Students, Every November, Colorado College honors Native American and Indigenous Peoples Heritage Month with lectures, lunches, community gatherings, and a long-standing tradition of erecting a tipi on Tava Quad. The tipi is a gift from our Indigenous …

In Solidarity with Our Native and Indigenous Community

I shared this message with students earlier today and I want to make sure you have the same information as you support our students and the whole campus community. Rosalie M. Rodriguez Senior Associate Dean of Students for Equity and Inclusion “Antiracism is the commitment to fight racism wherever you find it, including within yourself.” …

A Generous Gift to Support Student Success and Well-Being

Inasmuch Foundation has committed $3 million to CC to honor Mike Edmonds. Dear CC Community,  Today, I am pleased to share the news of a major philanthropic gift to CC, which will have an enduring impact on students while commemorating Senior Vice President Mike Edmonds, a beloved member of our CC family.  We are incredibly …

Come to the President’s Holiday Party

Celebrate with fellow faculty and staff on Friday, Dec. 16, 3-5 p.m. in the Smith Family Gallery at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. This event is a chance to meet up with colleagues, experience the incredible galleries, and be grateful for our campus community as the Fall Semester nears an end. See you Friday, Dec. …

Campus Mental Health and Wellness Update

Dear Students, Faculty, and Staff, As you know, we have elevated our support for mental health and wellness on campus. As you may or may not know, the four areas on which we are focused and will update the community on are: (1) working with external expertise to help guide the college; (2) new and existing …

Don’t Miss Your Chance to Help Rename South Hall!

Don’t miss this chance to submit nominations for the renaming of South Hall. Members of the Colorado College community are invited to submit name ideas for South Hall by the end of Fall Break. South Hall was originally named after former Colorado College President William F. Slocum, who retired in 1917 in response to allegations …

Last Chance to Submit Nominations for the Leadership Awards

There is still time to honor individuals or groups who have made a difference in your life and the lives of others at CC. As part of our strategic initiative to foster workplace excellence, it’s important to recognize those who are making a difference. Submit nominations for the President’s Leadership Awards to recognize colleagues who …

Block 4: Antiracism Goal Implementation Forum

Block 4: Antiracism Goal Implementation Forum The FEC’s number one priority this year is to support the college in implementing the antiracism plan goals while upholding academic freedom.  We are co-sponsoring a series of forums from Blocks two to seven with each forum focusing on a specific goal of the antiracism plan.  The summary of …

Save the Date: 1M Block 4 with Kathryn Lofton

Mark your calendar for Monday, Nov. 28, at 11:15 a.m. and start Block 4 together with the campus community and our First Mondays speaker. Join us for a talk by Kathryn Lofton, a Phi Beta Kappa visiting scholar, about celebrities, politics, and power. This talk uses celebrities to think about political power. It explains how any analyst …
