Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements “King Coal”: A VSFC Screening, Performance, and Q&A with Breath Artist Shodekeh Talifero … Posted by rhardison Russian Tea 2/1: Enhancing Russian Language Proficiency through Content Creation This talk will discuss the benefits of creating content in Russian for Russian language learning in the context of …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Parents Night Out – Hosted by the Student-Athlete Advisory Committee Mark your calendars for Parents Night Out on Saturday, February 10 from 4 p.m. until 9 p.m. We will open the El Pomar Sports Center (44 West Cache La Poudre… Posted by jbennett Contact Improvisation Jam tomorrow! …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Contact Improvisation Jam Get Ready!  Our blocky contact improvisation jam will be Saturday at 1:00-3:00 in Cossitt Gym’s South Studio (N & W of Worner Student Center) This is for CC affiliated folks and invited guests. We… Posted by slauther Excel at CC: Giving Effective Feedback …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Voluntary Retirement Contributions Increase for 2024 The limit for voluntary retirement contributions to 403(b) plans will increase from $22,500 to $23,000 in 2024 (with additional $7,500 ‘make-up’ available for employees 50 and older). If you are trying to maxim… Posted by elujan Excel at CC: From …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Faculty: BLOCK 7 PRODUCTION LABORATORY: TH200: Topics in Theatre Looking for a fun, creative, high-impact learning experience? Want FULL CREDIT for partic… Posted by squinn Faculty: Build a Block Away Workshop Tomorrow Are you interested in offering an off-campus block?   Whether you are thinking of a …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements 2022 Summary Annual Reports The 2022 Summary Annual Reports for the CC Retirement plan, Fine Arts Center frozen Retirement plan, and Emeriti plan are now available. You may see copies on the benefits website at:… Posted by elujan Excel at CC: Intro to Power Automate …

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College     Announcements Faculty: BLOCK 7 PRODUCTION LABORATORY: TH200: Topics in Theatre: Staging Eurydice: Looking for a fun, creative, high-impact learning experience? Want FULL CREDIT for pa… Posted by squinn Faculty: DIRECTING, BLOCK 5 Posted by squinn Fitness Center – Regular Block Hours Resume Today Adam F. Press Fitness …
