Congratulations and Gratitude

Dear CC Community, On Sunday, we celebrated the Class of 2024 in a moving Commencement ceremony at Ed Robson Arena. This class of graduates has demonstrated resilience, courage, leadership, and compassion throughout their time at Colorado College. Now, they will take those gifts into the world as part of our global alumni community. Where is …

A Message from the President and Interim President-Elect

Dear CC Community,   At CC we believe a liberal arts education must be grounded in humanity, at its core and as its outcome.    In the last eight months, our community has experienced intense grief and anguish as we bear witness to devastating losses of Palestinian, Israeli, and other lives in Gaza, Palestine, and Israel. …

Managing Our Campus Climate

Dear Campus Community,  We were informed recently of several alarming, hateful, and targeted anti-Muslim and Islamophobic statements posted anonymously on a social media platform. We have followed up with members of our community and are investigating the reports.    These anonymous posts and the platforms that support them have become breeding grounds for hate and discrimination. …

Message from the President and Board of Trustees about College Leadership

Dear CC Community, I write today to share a decision I have made about my future with the college. Following careful contemplation and with the deepest respect for this extraordinary place and its future, I have decided to return to my role as a professor of law at the University of California, Irvine School of …

Thank You for a Successful Spring Conference

Dear Faculty and Staff, Thank you for starting the semester together at Spring Conference. Nearly 200 of you gathered in Reid Arena to spend time with colleagues, share thoughtful ideas and discussions, and engage in big-picture planning for a busy 2024. I appreciate the energy and commitment you brought to our Project 2024 and leadership …

A Message of Gratitude

Dear Friends, As we reflect on 2023 at Colorado College, we would like to share a few words of gratitude for our wonderful community.  We are grateful to Colorado College students, for your love of learning, curiosity, passion, and commitment to a more just world. We are grateful to our faculty and staff, for the …

Don’t Forget About the CC Holiday Party

Join us on Friday! The CC Holiday Party takes place this Friday, Dec. 15 from 2-5 p.m. at Cornerstone Arts Center! This end-of-year celebration for all CC employees will feature games, prizes, food, drinks, and much more. In the spirit of feedback received for Project 2024, this shared event between college offices supports our culture of …

Our Shared Commitment to One Another

Dear Campus, We are a community that can demonstrate empathy, respect, and dignity for everyone, even for those with whom we vehemently disagree. Yet, recent events (including in meetings, emails, protests, and online) are raising serious concerns about the climate on our campus. We should be better than this at CC. Let us be very …

Get Out and Vote

Dear CC Community, With Election Day (Tuesday, Nov. 7) nearly upon us, I encourage you to get informed and plan for how you will cast your ballot. The November election is focused on school board elections and state and local ballot measures.   By voting, members of our campus community can translate our commitments to …
