Holding Our CC Family Close

Dear CC Family, I woke up this morning once again to news of senseless violence against the LGBTQIA+ community. This time, tragically at a nightclub in our hometown of Colorado Springs.  My heart goes out to everyone impacted by what we can only imagine is a hate crime. Horrendous acts like this affect us all, and rates …

Fall Break Wishes

Dear CC Community, I am filled with gratitude for the Colorado College community. From the dedication of our professors, to the support of our staff, to the compassion of our students, I’ve seen over and over that this is a remarkable place with a special bond.   I hope during Fall Break you can connect …

Come to the President’s Holiday Party

Celebrate with fellow faculty and staff on Friday, Dec. 16, 3-5 p.m. in the Smith Family Gallery at the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. This event is a chance to meet up with colleagues, experience the incredible galleries, and be grateful for our campus community as the Fall Semester nears an end. See you Friday, Dec. …

Upcoming Retirement of Robert G. Moore

Dear CC Community, It is with deep gratitude and appreciation that I share the bittersweet news that Robert G. Moore, senior vice president for Finance and Administration, chief financial officer, and chief operating officer, will retire in the spring. I am grateful for his wise counsel and feel very fortunate to have worked closely with …

Exercise Your Right to Vote

Dear CC Community, Election Day – Tuesday, Nov. 8 – is fast approaching. I urge everyone who is eligible to vote to exercise this important right and responsibility. Make your voice heard.   As the late Congressman John Lewis said, the vote “is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have to create a more perfect …

Share Your Gratitude Through Block 3

Dear CC Staff and Faculty, When we express gratitude we can improve our health, mood, confidence, and sense of connectedness. I’m thrilled to report that many in our community are doing just that – and there’s room to do more.   Since the beginning of Block 2, staff and faculty have submitted over 160 Gratitude …

Sitting in Community with You

Dear Students, Like many of you, I have been processing the tragic losses our community has experienced over the last few months. Nothing about this is easy. Each of us will feel different emotions, and respond and cope in our own unique ways. At times like these, it is often difficult to know what to …

Rochelle Dickey to Retire after 32 Years of Service to CC

Dear CC Community, It is with deep gratitude that I share bittersweet news about one of our remarkable leaders. Rochelle T. Dickey ’83, P’19, dean of students/vice president for student life, will retire in Spring 2023.   Rochelle has made a powerful impact on members of our CC community for generations. Since 1990, she has …

Let’s Keep the Gratitude Rolling

Dear CC Staff and Faculty, Last spring, we launched Gratitude Gifts after receiving two anonymous donations to be used to recognize staff and faculty for the positive impact they have on their colleagues and the college as a whole. The donors were inspired by what they heard in Project 2024 discussions. As a result, over …

A Message of Support

Dear CC Community, We are heartbroken after the loss of CC sophomore William Perkins Moseley this week. Our campus community is small, caring, empathetic, and supportive. The death of a student is devastating. It is felt across our campus and beyond. In times like these, we need one another more than ever. As we share …
