Work of the College Series Event Project 2024 – CANCELED

Dear Campus Community, Due to unforeseen circumstances, the Work of the College event on the Project 2024 Update will be postponed until a later time. We apologize for the inconvenience this may cause. Our team is actively working to reschedule the event and messaging with a new date will be provided as soon as possible. …

Unveiling Progress: Project 2024 Year Three Update – Join Us on Feb. 8!

Project 2024 Year Three Update: Unveiling Progress and ‘Moving Forward’ In Year One, Project 2024 engaged the community on “What we hope to do.” Year Two asked “How do we do it?” Now, please join President Richardson and Susan Ashley for an update on Project 2024 in Year Three and learn more about our progress …

Wrapping Up Project 2024 Year Two

Dear CC Community, As we wrap up our second year of Project 2024, we are thrilled to share our Year Two Report. This details what we’ve done to move from ideas to action plans. The Project 2024 Steering Committee pursued several initiatives this year. All of them build on what we heard in last year’s …

Thank You for Participating in Project 2024

Dear CC Community, We are grateful that you took time to meaningfully engage — with our session facilitators and with one another — during the first phase of Project 2024. The campus-wide conversations for year one concluded at the end of Block 6. More than 560 faculty, staff, and students attended at least one of …

Project 2024 Progress

Dear CC Community,   Today we want to update you on the progress made so far with Project 2024 discussions and invite you to get involved. Project 2024 is our three-year, vision-to-action effort in which we focus on a central question: “How can we do what we do better?” The timeline: 2021-22: This is our year to …
