Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Community Engagement Opportunities this Fall

CCE Block 1 Newsletter

Table of Contents

Campus community,  
Do you want to engage with the local community more deeply?  Now is the time to commit to action.  This academic year, how will you co-create a more just, equitable, sustainable, and connected world?        
Below is a look ahead of opportunities to get engaged this fall, offered through the Collaborative for Community Engagement (CCE). 
You can see a calendar and read more about specific opportunities on the CCE website, and explore roadmaps of CCE opportunities for both students and faculty.  To connect with nonprofit organizations that partner with the college, peruse this list of CC High Impact Partners or our wider partner database

See what we have coming up this Fall!

Ongoing Opportunities


Explore These and More on the Student Hub


Explore These and More on the Faculty Hub


Learn More About Our Work

Don’t miss out! 

We offer a number of ways for you to stay informed on issues and opportunities that align with your interests.

Sign up for the CCE Digest
Join an Issue Based Coalition Listserv
Join the Engaged Faculty Listserv
Subscribe to Campus Compact Newsletter

Campus Compact

Did you know Colorado College has an institutional membership with Campus Compact? Campus Compact is a national coalition of colleges and universities committed to advancing the public purposes of higher education. As a member institution, we have access to many great resources. For example, Campus Compact is hosting their national conference in Denver Spring 2024! Learn more here.

If you are interested in engaging in the local community and would like support getting started, please 
  • email us at
  • call us at (719) 389-7270
  • swing by the CCE House at 1008 N. Weber (east campus)  

We look forward to seeing the ways in which our campus learns from and with the community this year, and co-creates community impact.  


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Colorado College Mentoring Program

Dear Faculty Colleagues,

I appreciated hearing from many of you the desire to have a way for students to connect with an alum for ongoing mentorship.
After piloting a small program for the past two years, we have launched a Colorado College Mentoring program that is open to any student who would like to participate.
Students began registering Aug. 28 and registration will remain open through Oct. 1. As a part of the registration process, students are able to preference up to three mentor profiles. I am asking if you might please share the image below that contains information about the program with students.

Additionally, if you know alums who might be good mentors for students, we are happy to invite them to participate.  Please email their name and email address (if you have it) to Jacob Sanchez at” style=”font-weight: normal;font-weight: normal;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline;color: #7a6646;text-decoration: underline”> and we will send them an invitation.

Many thanks,

Megan Nicklaus

Career Center Director

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The Peak has Launched!

CC Faculty and Staff!

It’s here! CC’s newest publication, The Peak, has officially launched!

In true, traditional CC fashion, we’re starting something new on Labor Day. Remember when that used to be the first day of the academic year? We’ve created this site for alumni and the whole CC community to stay up to date with campus news, read amazing alumni stories, and follow features that cover the greater community and world. We hope that you’ll find things here to entertain you, spark your interest, continue your quest for lifelong learning, and encourage you to reconnect with the special place that is CC.

So please, sit back, relax, and enjoy The Peak!


Megan Clancy ’07

Editor of The Peak

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A Daily Digest for Colorado College

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