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A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Restructuring the Wellness Resource Center to Align with Campus

In May, the Wellness Resource Center made adjustments to better align with the college’s new mental health and wellness commitment.

Molly Hadley, formerly assistant director, has been promoted to director of the Wellness Resource Center. As director, Hadley will continue strategizing and overseeing the work of the center. Additionally, Hadley will support college-wide public health responses and create collaborative wellness partnerships both on and off campus to promote holistic well-being in our community. Working closely with our students, staff, and faculty, Hadley will identify health priorities to proactively guide policies and programming at CC that adhere to current best practices.

Cassie Luna, formerly the sexual assault response coordinator, was promoted to assistant director and campus advocate in the Wellness Resource Center. In their new role, Luna will develop and implement a more robust sexual violence prevention program, implement and evaluate support services, and manage the Advocate On-Call program, which serves as the after-hours line for CC community members in need of support related to sexual violence.

Previously known as the sexual assault response coordinator, the campus advocate role recognizes the wide range of experiences under the umbrella term of sexual violence, including sexual assault. As campus advocate, Luna will continue to provide free, confidential support and advocacy for anyone in the CC campus community who has been affected by sexual violence and ensure that sexual and intimate partner violence preventions efforts are evidence-based/informed, trauma-informed, and survivor-centered. Additionally, the campus advocate title more closely reflects the Colorado state statute, which provides confidentiality for victim/survivor advocates who must be specially trained in the physical, psychological, and legal effects of sexual violence.

In addition, the Wellness Resource Center plans to hire a health promotion specialist. This position will plan, design, and execute health promotion and prevention programming on the Colorado College campus, and oversee Peer Health Educators.

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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Wrapping Up Project 2024 Year Two

Dear CC Community,

As we wrap up our second year of Project 2024, we are thrilled to share our Year Two Report. This details what we’ve done to move from ideas to action plans.

The Project 2024 Steering Committee pursued several initiatives this year. All of them build on what we heard in last year’s campus-wide discussions of the questions: 

  • How can we do what we do better?
  • Of the challenges experts say face higher education, which will most likely affect CC?

Please see our Year Two Report for the steering committee’s proposals and recommendations. Highlights include detailed recommendations for reinforcing liberal learning and for better valuing our people. The report also describes efforts to create connections across offices and divisions and to identify possible responses to key higher ed challenges.

We are grateful for the ongoing dedication of our Project 2024 Steering Committee and the work of students, faculty, and staff who have participated in a multitude of ways throughout this comprehensive visioning project.

Associate Professor of Political Science and Director of the Environmental Students Program Corina McKendry shares the rewards of serving on the steering committee and explains how our CC community inspired her and this work.

Here’s what else has been underway since the last update in March. 

In response to what we heard about how to do what we do better, the steering committee worked on two initiatives this year. These are detailed in the Year Two Report linked above. They involve:

  • Action Plans: This spring, the committee consolidated and vetted the options identified in the fall and developed proposals for changes in two main categories: Reinforcing Liberal Learning and Valuing Our People.
  • Connection and Time in the context of everyday work: Conversations within and across divisions identified specific ways of saving time and increasing collaboration. These ideas have either been implemented or are in the works. The discussions also revealed patterns which help explain the climate of distrust registered in the Modern Think Employee Engagement Survey and in Year 1 Project 2024 meetings. These issues shaped the steering committee’s thinking as it considered how best to promote a thriving community.

In addition, President Richardson appointed four exploratory groups to assess the effects of the challenges to higher education most relevant to CC and to identify possible responses. Those groups included faculty, staff, students, alumni, and parents, and focused on:

  • The financial model
  • The demographic “cliff”
  • The role of online learning
  • The effects of screens and social media on cognitive function and learning

Their reports, expected in the next few weeks, will contribute to work already under way at the college on these issues.

Plan for Year 3

In keeping with the collaborative inspiration of Project 2024, the next steps join campus leadership, staff, faculty, and students in implementing proposals for action.

Depending on the nature of the specific proposals, further work and decisions will fall to established committees, ad hoc task-focused groups, and the Cabinet — or a mix of these.

The Project 2024 Steering Committee will coordinate efforts, ensure continuity, pursue the proposals that require still more discussion, and work on other ideas from Project 2024 discussions that merit attention.

The committee will keep track of our collective progress and share it on the Project 2024 website and through regular updates to campus groups.

Thank you for your continued participation and interest in this work.


Susan A. Ashley

Professor of History and Project 2024 Coordinator

L. Song Richardson


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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

The Gold Mine – A Resource for CC’s Research Grant Community (June 2023)

News for and about CC’s Thriving Research Grant Community

News for and about CC's Thriving Research Grant Community

Join the Summer Grants Community

Dear colleagues,

While the summer is a precious time for rest and rejuvenation, I’ve also heard from a number of faculty who look forward to delving into their scholarly and creative work in the coming weeks. If this resonates for you, then I invite you to join our grants community, who will be meeting for informal lunches on Tuesdays in the Cossitt Faculty Lounge. Come share a bit about your work and your goals for the summer in a supportive environment. (If you are able to join, please email me your Panera lunch choice by midnight on Monday.)  Faculty and staff with similar interests and long-term goals may wish to form SWARGS through the Crown Center to keep the momentum going.

The Cossitt Faculty Lounge has been reserved from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Tuesdays this summer to provide a dedicated quiet space for scholarly work – whether that involves grants or not. Come drop in as your schedule allows and work in companionable silence while we make progress on our goals. (I will be available in the mornings for impromptu grant questions.) Bring your own mug and take advantage of the new hot beverage dispenser in the Lounge!

There will also be several opportunities to learn more about the grants process. More on these virtual informational working sessions below.

Whether you just want to dip your toe in the process, or you have larger goals for the summer, please let me know so that I can best support you.

I’m looking forward to working with you ~


Tess Powers

Director of Faculty Research Support

Proposal News and a Call for Applications

I am delighted to share the news that Dr. Najnin Islam has recently been awarded a $6,000 National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Stipend for her project, “Recasting the Coolie: Racial Capitalism, Caste, and Indian Indentureship in the Caribbean.” This award breaks the College’s 33-year “dry spell” for this highly competitive program. Previous Colorado College NEH Summer Stipend awardees include: Dennis Showalter (1973, 1984), Thomas Cronin (1974), Rudolph de la Garza (1976), Ruth Kolarik (1983), Robert Loevy (1984), Richard Agee (1985), David Hendrickson (1990), and Timothy Fuller (1990).

Let’s keep the momentum going. Please see this internal call for NEH Summer Stipend applications for Summer 2024! The internal deadline is July 21, 2023; up to two nominated faculty will have until Sept. 20th, 2023 to submit their proposals to NEH.

Dr. Islam will be a special guest in our virtual June 20th, 2023 informational session at 1 p.m. MT (zoom link below), where we will discuss the NEH Summer Stipend, its connection to the NEH Fellowship program, and resources that support work on both. RSVPs appreciated; please use this form

Zoom links for Informational Working Sessions in June

The following virtual sessions will be held after our informal in-person noon lunches in Cossitt Faculty Lounge. If you are able to join any of these lunches, please email me your Panera lunch choice by midnight on Monday. ~ Tess

Tuesday, June 6 – Finding the Right Funder

1 p.m. MT: Virtual working session on the Top Priority Questionnaire – At the top of the hour, we’ll discuss the form briefly and the role it can play in supporting the search for funding. Then we’ll break so you can complete yours on your own.

2 p.m. MT: Virtual working session on Identifying Potential Funders – At the top of the hour, we’ll discuss the range of resources that exist to help you identify potential funders. Then we’ll break so you can do some exploring on your own.

Tuesday, June 13 – Strategic Activities

1 p.m. MT: Virtual working session on the How to Serve as a Grant Review for Eight Funders – At the top of the hour, we’ll briefly discuss the benefits of serving as a grant reviewer. Then we’ll break so you can explore on your own what a variety of funders say about their process.

2 p.m. MT: Virtual working session on How to Prepare a Concept Paper – At the top of the hour, we will discuss the purpose of concept papers and recommended structure (template provided). Then we’ll break so you can begin to draft your own, if you choose.

Tuesday, June 20 – Proposal Development – Fellowships 

1 p.m.-2 p.m. MT: Virtual session with NEH Summer Stipend winner Dr. Najnin Islam. While the planned focus is the NEH Summer Stipend, much of the advice we have to share is applicable to other fellowships.  

Tuesday, June 27 – Proposal Development – Grants 

1 p.m. -2:30 p.m. MT: Virtual session on the Elements of Successful Proposals. In the first ~15 minutes, I will briefly discuss the elements of every successful grant proposal, for those from all disciplines. I will then present “The Components of a Great Research Proposal,” an NSF-focused presentation prepared by (and shared with permission from) April Edwards, director of Council of Independent College’s Funding the Future Workshops and professor of cyber science at the United States Naval Academy.

To look ahead to division-specific sessions in July, see the Summer Programming page here.

Rule of Thumb

If you are interested in exploring external funding opportunities, it’s best if we can connect at least two years before you anticipate needing the funding. This gives us time to identify the best funders, prepare an application (many programs have only one deadline per year), and wait several months to hear back. ~ Tess

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