Can you say “Sesquicentennial?”

Can you say “Sesquicentennial?”

Dear CC Colleagues,

You are invited to a sharing and conversation about the upcoming Colorado College Sesquicentennial. The first class at Colorado College was on September 9, 1874. We are seeding our excitement for the 2024-25 Sesquicentennial Celebration!

As the campus representative on the 150-Year Sesquicentennial Steering Committee, I plan to share the current ideas for recognizing this important moment. I want to hear about your memories and what makes you proud to be a Tiger. If you’re graduating or will be on campus next year, I would like to gauge your interest in serving as a resource for ideas or serving on a working group related to campus-wide Sesquicentennial events, which begin in earnest in August 2024.

There are two sessions scheduled for the campus community. All faculty, staff, and students are invited. The session dates are:  

Thursday, May 11, and Tuesday, May 16. Both are in Tutt Library 102 (the Data Viz Wall space on the main floor) from 3:30 PM to 4:30 PM.

I hope you can attend one of these sessions. Please email me if you cannot attend but would like to learn more about the 150th Anniversary Events.

Go CC!

Mike Taber
Professor of Education
Class of 1986 (Geology)
Class of 1987 (Master of Arts in Teaching)

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Instructional Coaching Program and MAP Announcement

Call for Instructional Coaches, Mentoring Alliance Program

Call for Instructional Coaches, Mentoring Alliance Program

The Crown Center for Teaching  

Call for Instructional Coaches, Instructional Coaching Program Participants Mentoring Alliance Program Conveners  

Instructional Coaching Program 

In line with our institutional anti-racism commitments, The Crown Center for Teaching Instructional Coaching Program is designed to support CC educators’ anti-oppressive pedagogical development.  The program leverages CC faculty knowledge and skills by hiring interested CC faculty who then serve as coaches to fellow faculty seeking instructional coaching support.   

Become a Coach: The IC program seeks to hire three-five new instructional coaches for the 2023-2024 school year. Instructional coaches serve as pedagogical thought partners who are responsible for observing and supporting the development of one “coachee” colleague throughout an academic year through four coaching cycles.  Coaching cycles include a pre-observation conversation, a 2-stage classroom observation using the Inclusive Pedagogies Observation Protocol (IPOP foundations and advanced), and a post-observation debrief.   

New coaches are required to attend an instructional coach training from 10-3 on August 18, 2023.   

All coaches, including returning coaches, are required to attend a semesterly check-in on Thursday November 30th from 3:30-5pm and Friday April 26th from 12:15-2pm. 

Instructional coaches are paid $2500 each academic year to support the professional growth of one coachee.  

Apply to become a coach here

Get a Coach: The IC program invites faculty and instructors of all ranks including visiting instructors, to sign up for the Instructional Coaching Program. Instructional coaching includes use of the Inclusive Pedagogies Observation Protocol (IPOP foundations and advanced) but is also flexible depending upon your goals and needs.  

The coachee’s teaching challenges and successes revealed through this program are not shared with department/program chairs, mentors, or colleagues.  Privacy and confidentiality are taken very seriously because we want this program to be a space where educators can be vulnerable, can experiment with new teaching approaches, and feel supported as they learn and grow as teachers.   

Participants in the coaching program must commit to two coaching cycles per semester, proactive scheduling, and communication with their Instructional Coach. Participants are also required to attend a coaching program orientation on Thursday August 24th from 2:30-4pm, and semesterly check ins on Tuesday November 28th from 3:30-5pm and Tuesday April 23rd from 3:30-5pm.  

Apply for an instructional coach here.

Questions? Contact Lead Instructional Coaches Tina Valtierra and/or Santiago Guerra

Mentoring Alliance Program (MAP) 

The Crown Center for Teaching MAP is based on ADEI values and principles. The program supports early career faculty by fostering collaborative and non-hierarchical relationships and by honoring their new ideas, energy, and experiences. The program also provides faculty with opportunities to develop their capacity for robust, intentional, collective, and interdisciplinary mentoring to strengthen the college’s retention efforts. The program is available to early career tenure-track and full-time visiting faculty. 

Learn more about the program here.  

Become a Convener:  MAP convener commitments include: 1) convening your assigned team of early career faculty to meet blockly in the team’s first year and at least an average of every other block for year 2 and beyond; 2) engaging in a one-day mentor development workshop (August 21st , 10-3pm); and 3) participating in check-in meetings during Blocks 3 and 6. 

MAP conveners must be tenured faculty.  MAP conveners who anticipate semester-long sabbaticals may serve as conveners and be temporarily replaced by another tenured faculty member who has completed the mentor development workshops. Those who anticipate year-long sabbaticals may serve as conveners and be temporarily replaced during their sabbatical only if their sabbatical is not scheduled during the team’s new early career faculty members’ first, third, or sixth years (for tenure-track faculty teams).  

MAP conveners are compensated $2500 stipend per academic year of service in this role. 

Apply to become a MAP convener for tenure-track early career faculty. 

Questions? Contact Peony Fhagen, Director of the Crown Center for Teaching 

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Important – save your data from lab computers before 5/26

Important – save your data from lab computers before 5/26 

CC Students,  

When you use a Windows PC lab computer on campus, such as in the library, one of the dorms, or a virtual lab computer (VLAB or otherwise) on VMWare, files you save on the desktop or in documents are saved and will appear no matter where you log in. 

At the end of Block 8 this year, we are going to change the underlying system that does this, and those files will no longer be available to you. Please be sure to save them to another location (such as your OneDrive or an external hard drive) before Friday, 5/26/23.  

After that date, when you log into a PC lab computer or VLAB, your desktop and documents will be blank. Anything you save there after the system change should persist, but we recommend keeping important files in your own locations just in case.  

If you have any data on Mac labs around campus (Cornerstone labs, Keck lab), make sure to save that as well since those lab computers will be wiped this summer. 

There will be limited ability to recover these files if you aren’t on campus this block.

Let us know if you have any questions.

~ Colorado College ITS:
Solutions Center in Tutt Library 1st floor

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Don’t Forget Honors Convocation Tomorrow

TOMORROW: Honors Convocation 2023

You’re invited to celebrate the achievements of our students and recognize faculty and staff mentors at Honors Convocation 2023.

Honors Convocation marks the traditional beginning of the Commencement season. President L. Song Richardson, Dean Emily Chan, and the Academic Events Committee invite the CC community to join the in-person ceremony on Tuesday, May 16, 11 a.m. in Shove Chapel. This event happens in place of the usual First Mondays program, despite the fact that it is on a Tuesday. There will be a livestream available on our website for those who are unable to attend in person. There is no need to register for the livestream.

During the ceremony, the recipients of the first Just World Awards will be announced. These new CC president’s awards recognize alumni, students, staff, faculty, and retirees who demonstrate their dedication to principles that create a more just and equitable world. Dean Chan will also be presenting professorships and faculty teaching awards.

This annual event celebrates outstanding students, faculty members, and staff, and includes the bestowing of departmental awards, all-college awards, and awards from the CC Student Government Association.

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