Updates and Reminders From the Parking Office

As the end of the academic year approaches, the Parking Office would like to share some reminders and updates.
  • Current staff/faculty and student permits are valid through August 31, 2023.
    • Students not living on campus over the summer may not leave their vehicle on campus.
    • Students without a parking permit who are taking classes this summer must contact the Parking Office to obtain a permit.
    • New Staff/Faculty without a parking permit must contact the Parking Office to obtain a permit.
  • Parking enforcement is year-round and citations will be issued for any parking violations.
  • Permit rates will not increase for the 2023-24 academic year.
  • There are a limited number of parking permits and they will be distributed on a first come first serve basis.
  • Online permit and vehicle registration for staff and faculty will go live on Monday, June 19 at 8 a.m. for the 2023-24 academic year.
  • Online permit and vehicle registration for students will go live on Monday, July 10 at 8 a.m. for the 2023-24 academic year.
    • First year students are not permitted to have a vehicle on campus, per their housing contract.
    • Step-by-step instructions for permit and vehicle registration will be available on the Parking Office website when registration opens.
    • Location for all permit options will be outlined on a parking map and will be available before the online registration link is live.
    • All permits will be ready for pick-up from Mail Services, located in the Yalich Student Services Building, from August 11-August 25.

For any questions, please contact the Parking Office directly.

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Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Congratulations to Jan Edwards on Her Retirement

Dear Campus Community,

After 18 years of service to Colorado College, Jan Edwards will retire on June 2. In January 2005, Jan established the Office of Disability Services, now named Accessibility Resources, to centralize services for students with disabilities—a population that has grown significantly over time. To meet the needs of students, Jan has increased the number of staff from one to a team of four and has adopted comprehensive accommodation and case management software to streamline the work of the office. In the field of higher education and disability, Accessibility Resources is recognized as a model program that uses best practices to successfully support students with disabilities.

In addition to her tenure as Director of Accessibility Resources, Jan has served as the college’s ADA/504 Coordinator. In this role, she has been the college’s central point of contact for disability-related matters and advises all sectors of the college community regarding disability compliance and access. A highlight of this work was the leadership Jan provided for the college’s settlement agreement with the Department of Justice that focused on ensuring that our physical campus and policies, practices, and procedures meet the requirements of the ADA. This work spanned seven years, resulting in a campus that is readily accessible to people with disabilities.

In approaching her retirement, Jan notes, “The success of Accessibility Resources is directly attributable to our strong staff, whom I can’t thank enough, and the many campus partners who contribute to ensuring that the college welcomes and supports students, employees, and guests of the college who experience disabilities. CC has been an amazing place to work. I value the wonderful students I’ve worked with and the friendships I’ve made over the years. Let’s stay in touch!”

The Office of Accessibility Resources will now be led by incoming Director Sara Rotunno. Please join me in congratulating Jan for everything she has done for Accessibility Resources and Colorado College. We wish her all the best in a very well-deserved retirement!


Pedro de Araujo

Dean of the College

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A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Don’t Forget the Next Work of the College Community Conversation

Tomorrow is the Work of the College Community Conversation: Creativity and Innovation

Don’t forget to join us tomorrow for the last Community Conversation of the academic year. Professor of Creativity & Innovation Jane Hilberry will briefly share a bit about our mission and activities, then invite the audience to experience  “Lyrical Questions,” one of the most popular activities we offer.  

Built around an exercise created by poet Ross Gay, “Lyrical Questions” brings us into meaningful conversations with each other through a series of open-ended questions about our own lives. We hope to see you there, tomorrow May 10, 3:30-5 p.m. in South Hall Commons.

Community Conversations are part of The Work of the College, a year-long series designed in response to the ModernThink employee engagement survey results. The program has four goals: (1) clarify organizational structures and decision-making processes; (2) offer campus constituencies the opportunity to engage in dialogue with leadership about campus affairs; (3) increase decision-making transparency in hopes of building trust; and (4) build community.

The Work of the College series consists of:

  • Community Conversations (dialogue about specific topics)
  • Roadshows (presentations and Q&As)
  • Board of Trustees Town Halls (informational updates)
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Ditch the Dumpster

Office of Sustainability

    Enhancing Educational Experiences within the Office of the Dean of the College

Ditch the Dumpster!

Are you planning your move-out? Ditch the Dumpster is an annual program coordinated by the Office of Sustainability in partnership with Residential Experience. It encourages students to donate their gently used items instead of throwing them away during move-out. Some donated items will go to the CC Pantry Exchange and will be saved for future move-ins. The rest will be distributed to local organizations by the Haseya Advocate Program, a Native woman-led organization that serves Indigenous survivors of domestic and sexual violence in the Colorado Springs, Colorado region. Accepted items include clothing, hangers, unopened food, houseplants, outdoor gear, and small household/dorm items. The program runs from May 15-25 at four collection sites accessible 24/7:
  • Loomis Lobby
  • South Lobby
  • Mathias Lobby
  • Hybl Community Center
Leading up to Ditch the Dumpster, you can also drop off accepted items at the CC Exchange. During block 8, the CC Exchange will have extended hours to donate. Open hours of the space during weeks 1-3 will be from 1:00-5:00 p.m. located in the Worner basement for the CC Exchange only (not the CC Pantry). 

For more information, visit the Ditch the Dumpster webpage and email sustainability@coloradocollege.edu with any questions.

End Of The Year and Earth Week Recap

The Office of Sustainability extends our sincere gratitude to everyone who played a role in organizing, supporting, and participating in the vibrant and dynamic Earth Week 2023. Earth Week featured a wide range of engaging events, including Arbor Day, Sustainable Wednesdays, and the Linnemann Lecture, all of which were aided by our dedicated students, faculty, and staff. This annual initiative, which is a collaborative effort between the OOS, campus partners, and various student clubs, serves as a powerful vehicle for promoting environmental consciousness and sustainability. Thanks to everyone who contributed their time, energy, and resources to make Earth Week 2023 a huge success and a source of inspiration for all who attended.

As another academic year draws to a close, the Office of Sustainability would like to express our gratitude for the unwavering support and collaboration from our campus partners and the entire student body. With the leadership of Director Ian Johnson, Coordinator Mae Rohrbach and our dedicated intern teams and volunteers, we continue to make CC a model for sustainability. We have successfully facilitated a variety of events, programs, and campaigns that were made possible by the active participation and support from the campus community.  Looking ahead, we remain even more committed to building on this progress and forging a sustainable community here at Colorado College.

Emissions Team Greenhouse Gas Technical Report
The Office of Sustainability’s Emissions Team is excited to announce that the annual Greenhouse Gas Technical Report has been published! You can view the full report here. This report is instrumental in outlining Colorado College’s gross emissions each year and how the college is working toward reducing its impact on the environment. “This year’s emissions figures demonstrate Colorado College’s ongoing commitment to sustainability. We continue to maintain our institutional carbon neutrality,” says Holden Maxfield ’25, Emissions Team member.

STARS State of Sustainability Report

The 2022-23 State of Sustainability Report is here! The State of Sustainability Report is the Office of Sustainability’s final publication of the year that celebrates and communicates the work our entire community has done each year. Read this year’s report here to learn about the sustainability efforts, projects, and initiatives our office and other members of our community participated in during the 2022-23 academic year. The format of the report this year is a collection of StoryMaps which our Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating System (STARS) intern and volunteers put together during the spring semester. StoryMaps is a software of ArcGIS that engages the audience interactively and compellingly through photos, videos, live links, etc. You can engage with the whole report in chronological order, or you can skip around to different topics you are interested in such as campus operations, planning and administration, academics, etc. Special thanks to STARS intern Hannah Shew 24 and her volunteers Audra Burrall 23, Jessie Squires 26, and Haoru Yang 24 for all their hard work putting together this report!

“I think the most exciting thing I’ve learned as part of the STARS team is how vast the scope of sustainability really is. Being a part of this team gave me the ability to have a bird’s eye view of the whole process and is a great start to my sustainability journey,” says Squires. 

E-Waste Drop-Off Event

E-Waste Block 8 Drop-Off Event
Wednesday, May 17 2:30-4 p.m.
Breton Hall Garage 8

Do you have electronic waste you want to dispose? Well, the CC Office of Sustainability has a solution for you! We recycle electronic waste. These are items that are no longer working, unwanted, or at the end of their life. Through E-Tech Recyclers, a local Colorado Springs e-waste business, these materials are safely and responsibly recycled. Acceptable and commonly recycled items include TVs, monitors, keyboards, cables, appliances, digital media players, cell phones, and other items. Please note we cannot recycle alkaline batteries, which include most household batteries, like Duracell, Energizer, and others.
Students who can transport their own items are invited to drop off items at Breton Hall Garage 8 on Wednesday, May 17 from 2:30-4 p.m. Please refer to the map above to locate the Breton Hall Garages (the northwest corner of parking lot C-1). Staff will be there to help you unload your items! Faculty and staff who cannot attend this event can fill out this request form for a pick-up, and a representative will be in touch with you about your request within three business days.
*Please note that if your items are both college-issued AND contain a hard drive (laptops, computers, etc.), you must reach out to ITS for them to wipe this hard drive before recycling. Additionally, a pickup option is available ONLY for office/departmental requests. For any personal requests from CC community members, drop-off at the e-waste garage is the only option.*

Offset Travel Emissions

As summer break quickly approaches, many of us may be planning to travel by plane or car for long commutes home or elsewhere. Air travel and long drives generate excessive carbon emissions that are released into the atmosphere and contribute to global warming. The Office of Sustainability has created a tool to help campus community members reduce our collective carbon footprint. Simply enter your travel details into the Travel Offset Calculator, and then click the “Offset This Trip” button. The price to offset the carbon emissions created by your summer travel is less than the price to travel, and it is an important step towards helping to curb global warming. The Office of Sustainability wishes you a happy and healthy summer break and wants to remind you to practice sustainability wherever and whenever possible! 

CC Student Activist Makes Climate History

For the last Office of Sustainability newsletter of the academic year, Jacob McDougall 24, an Office of Sustainability Communications Intern, interviewed Rikki Held 23, who is the named plaintiff in a historic youth-led climate lawsuit against the state of Montana. Held highlights how she is “one of 16 youth plaintiffs in this lawsuit against the Montana state government” which was brought upon by Montana violating several of [the plaintiff’s] state constitutional rights such as the right to “a clean and healthful environment.” Held notes that, “the state of Montana supports a fossil fuel-based energy system which contributes to climate change and is harming us. We want Montana’s courts to hold our government accountable so that their actions match what scientists say is needed in order to reduce emissions and protect our constitutional rights and our natural resources. When asked how Montana’s constitutional declaration to “maintain and improve a clean and healthful environment” been violated, Held conveys that “this fossil fuel-driven energy system is contributing to the climate crisis and harming our natural resources such as our atmosphere, water, and wildlife. Montanans experience impacts to our businesses and livelihoods, our physical and mental health, and our environment which we want to conserve for future generations.” Held has personally experienced impacts to [her] family’s ranch and motel business due to wildfires, drought, water variability, and extreme weather events” and her “health [has] also impacted by extreme heat and wildfire smoke. 

Held’s lawsuit is the first youth climate lawsuit to go to trial in U.S. history. She recognizes the importance of youth leadership in addressing climate change and advocating for environmental justice when she draws attention to how “young people have powerful voices and stories that need to be shared with decision-makers, like judges, and we can certainly make a difference, especially as we will experience the worst of climate impacts and cannot keep passing this problem on for future generations to solve,” says Held. “We need perspectives from all ages and backgrounds to solve this issue.”  

With Held set to graduate this May, she portrays how her time at Colorado College has impacted her journey. “I joined this lawsuit halfway through my first year of college and have certainly grown with it and changed since then,” says Held. The block plan has allowed her to take “pieces from all [her] courses and experiences from learning about earth systems and people within our environment to practicing scientific communication has strengthened [her] ability to be a part of this lawsuit and pursue a career in the sciences to help people and the places in which we live.” Lastly, she wishes to depart CC with this powerful message for the campus community: 

“I have greatly appreciated the people here and my time here at Colorado College and I know my fellow classmates and I will take what we’ve learned and apply our values into what we all pursue beyond college as well. We can make a change in whatever we decide to dedicate ourselves to no matter what paths we follow using our knowledge, creativity, empathy, and values.” 

For more information regarding Held’s historic climate lawsuit, you can view this recently published Vice News video featuring Held and another plaintiff.

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Career Center Newsletter 5/9/2023

Career Center Newsletter

First Destination Survey 

Are you graduating this May? If so, Click here to fill out the First Destination Survey (FDS)! 100 survey participants will be selected to receive a gift card for Colorado Coffee! For your chance to win, simply share your post-graduation plans in the FDS survey. 

This survey allows Colorado College to make decisions on how to best support its students by capturing information regarding where CC graduates (and graduates throughout the country) land in their careers within six months of graduation. We want to hear from you regardless of where you are in the process of finalizing your post-graduation plans.

If you have any questions, contact the Career Center at careercenter@coloradocollege.edu or at 719-389-6893.

Highlighted Events and Opportunities

Seasonal Field Projects Coordinator

Volunteers for Outdoor Colorado (VOC) is a leading statewide nonprofit organization dedicated to motivating and enabling people to become active stewards of Colorado’s natural resources. This job is a great opportunity for someone who enjoys working outdoors, is ready to meet great people dedicated to taking care of Colorado, and is looking to build their professional network in the outdoor stewardship industry. This position works within the VOC program team and closely with other project staff positions to provide professional project management, logistical support, and volunteer leadership coordination on VOC volunteer projects both in the office and in the field. 
Apply on Handshake.  

Kinship Landing

Are you ready to be outrageous? Kinship Landing is hiring across all departments, no experience is required. Hang with us and meet the team! Oh, and did we mention there will be free coffee & cookies?
Apply externally

Kroenke Sports & Entertainment Partnership Marketing & Media Sales Intern

The Partnership Marketing and Media Sales department is responsible for bringing in new sponsors and retaining current clients of the Kroenke Sports & Entertainment properties. This includes Ball Arena, Dick’s Sporting Goods Park, the Denver Nuggets, Colorado Avalanche, Colorado Mammoth, and the Colorado Rapids. This program aims to teach students or recent grads how to activate and maintain successful partnerships with corporate sponsors. 
Apply on Handshake

Upcoming Events

Cover Letter Workshop

Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023; 12:30-1:30 p.m. MT
Location: Career Center Carriage House
Just getting started with writing application letters for jobs and summer opportunities? We’ve got you ‘covered’! Last minute applying for jobs? And it needs a cover letter?! No fear, the Writing Center and Career Center are teaming up to bring you a Cover Letter Workshop. Join us to learn more about the cover letter and its basic formatting. We will have built-in time for you to begin drafting your letter with feedback from us!  We look forward to seeing you!

Register on Handshake.

Pre-Internship Workshop: Ending your Summer Skillfully

Date: Wednesday, May 10, 2023; 4-5 p.m. MT
Location: Tim Fuller Event Space, Tutt Library (2nd Floor)   

With the right tools, strategies, and practices, you can leverage any internship or work experience to build your professional identity, enhance your employability and accelerate your career trajectory. This 60-minute workshop will help you get the most out of your summer experience by understanding:

  • Important To-Do’s for your final days
  • How to get a great recommendation
  • How to leave a lasting positive impression
  • How to tell your internship story effectively
Register on Handshake.


Homeward Pikes Peak Fellowship (PIFP 2023)

You still have an opportunity to be a Public Interest Fellow this summer. Check out this opportunity to work with Homeward Pikes Peak in Colorado Springs.
HPP is leading the community in housing and treatment of individuals with addiction and mental health issues. Using a nonjudgmental, compassionate approach that treats every client with dignity and respect. This position will contribute to these outcomes by helping us to better use our data to make decisions that improve service to clients, make good financial decisions, and raise more funding for services. We are looking for someone interested in homelessness issues, who is ready to use our data and analytics to create narratives and data stories to move the organization forward.

Apply on Handshake

Springboard Program at Grinnell College Technology Specialist and Service Relationship Manager

This program provides a fantastic way to gain practical technology experience, professional certification, and experience different professional information technology career paths.
Technology Specialists and Service Relationship Managers are employed under a term appointment of up to three years, with expertise increasing each year. In addition to performing a technical specialist role in their team, these full-time employees provide an important relationship management role among ITS and departments (both academic and administrative) across campus. In that role, they advocate for those they represent in ITS decision-making and assist with ticket resolution as well as disseminate important technology service and change information to constituents. As technical triage specialists, these employees ensure that support tickets are routed to the appropriate colleague(s) on their technical team and help keep ticket submitters informed of progress.

Register externally

Don’t forget: Visit Us During Drop-ins Monday-Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m.

Visit our drop-in hours Monday-Thursday, 1 to 4 p.m.
The Career Center can connect your academia to your professional goals. Don’t forget that you can schedule an in-person or virtual appointment through Handshake to discuss major exploration, review your application materials, or practice mock interviewing. 
The Career Center is happy to support you: 

Full-Time Jobs, Internships, and Other Opportunities

  • AmeriCorps Summer Teaching Fellowship (Apply by May 15)
  • Dynatrace Product Specialist Intern
  • Ent Credit Union Marketing Intern
  • Columbine Corporation Wellsite Geologist
  • Sanborn Western Camps Adventure Camp Counselor 
  • Griffis Residential Leadership Development Program
  • The U.S. Department of State Information Management Specialist
  • Northwestern Mutual Financial Representative Intern
  • Information Management Specialist
  • Special Olympics Colorado Special Events Intern

Student Success Stories

Have you secured an internship or job this summer, been accepted into a post-graduate program, or been rewarded for an academic or research achievement? The Career Center would love to celebrate you and your achievements! Fill out the Student Success Story form in our bio to be featured next on our Instagram!  @cc_careercenter

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