Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Cheer on CC Student-Athletes During Division III Week

Today, meet two more CC student-athletes!

Division III Week is an opportunity to share information about Division III, its priorities, and – most importantly – celebrate the accomplishments our student-athletes.

Class Year: 2025
Sport: Women’s Lacrosse 
Major: Southwest Studies
Favorite Class: Foundations of Radical Non-Violence
Top CC Academic Moment: Presenting on the Columbia River Gorge with student body president Dore Young ’23
Special Talent: Repurposing trash, harmonica
Hobbies: Sea kayaking, collaging, making soup
Proudest Moment at CC: Getting fourth place at Battle of the Bands (2022)
Community Service Experience: 
Pueblo Raptor Center, Mill Street Neighborhood Advocacy, Grassroots Ecology

Class: 2024
Sport: Cross Country/Track 
Major: Environmental Studies
Favorite Class: Environmental Ethics 
Top CC Academic Moment: Finally declaring my major
Special Talent: Can blink like a gecko without noticing
Hobbies: Garlic farming 
Proudest Moment at CC: Welcoming my little brother, Theo, into the CC community and beating him in intramural futsal
Community Service Experience: 
Team creek clean-ups and getting to work for Food to Power this summer

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Office of OUTDOOR EDUCATION Student Feedback Needed! (WIN BIG PRIZES!)

You’re probably thinking “wow, this must be another

You’re probably thinking “wow, this must be another

CC Students,

You’re probably thinking “wow, this must be another survey asking me to share my feedback on one of CC offices.” And guess what, YOU’RE RIGHT!! This IS another survey asking for your feedback about one of CC’s offices. But not just any office – it’s the office of (flippin’) OUTDOOR EDUCATION!! AND there are really COOL PRIZES (see below).

Survey Link
So why are we emailing you? Well, it’s because we sincerely want your feedback.   The survey linked eight times in this email was written by student leaders at Outdoor Education in an effort to help us determine how we can best serve the student body moving forward. 

At CC Outdoor Education we work to provide students with access to the outdoors with opportunities to advance leadership skills, instill a sense of stewardship, and engage in self-discovery. As we commit ourselves to serve anyone and everyone at CC in an ever-evolving student-centered program, we want your feedback as we plan for next year! Please help us out by completing the 10-15 minute survey!

Not only will you help us ensure that Outdoor Education continues to provide inclusive and positive experiences in the outdoors to CC students, by completing this survey you’ll be entered to win any of the following prizes….
  • Spikeball set
  • Crazy Creek Chair (5 winners!!!)
  • Hammock (5 winners!!!)
  • ‘Bestie Blankets’ (lawn blankets) (5 winners!!!)
  • $20 CCOE Gear House coupon (2 winners!!!)
  • Outdoor painting kit
  • Brand-new never-before-seen Outdoor Education stickers (for everyone)
Thank you in advance! We are excited to read your survey responses!

Please reach out to Koray Gates or Jake Hams with any questions or comments. 

We will be in contact shortly following the closing of the survey to award prizes to respondents. 

Kindest regards,

The Student Team at Outdoor Education

Images: Happy and hardworking students.   

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Did You Know CC Has Anonymous Reporting?

To build and nurture a thriving community, workplaces need a foundation of trust and safety. Anonymous reporting allows employees and students to bring forth issues confidentially and without fear of retaliation. When workplace concerns are brought forth earlier, problems often can be solved before they become bigger.
In February, we announced our partnership with OneTrust to develop our 24-hour, anonymous reporting platform, Speak Up Colorado College. You can confidentially and anonymously submit your questions and concerns using this platform. Use Speak Up Colorado College to speak up, share your perspective, ask challenging questions, and raise concerns about behaviors that conflict with the college’s values without fear of retaliation. This is all done while protecting individuals who bring concerns forward. To make a report at any time, go to or call toll free (800) 461-9330.

After submission, you can follow the status and anonymously communicate with the college through the platform about your report. CC recognizes that sometimes it takes a lot of courage to speak up. Any information you provide to Speak Up Colorado College is stored privately and securely and will be treated with sensitivity and respect.

Reach out to Lyrae Williams,, with any questions or concerns.

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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

The Gold Mine – A Resource for CC’s Research Grant Community (Block 7, 2023)

News for and about CC’s Thriving Research Grant Community

News for and about CC's Thriving Research Grant Community

Progress Together

Dear colleagues,

In the Spring 2021 Faculty Survey seeking feedback on how to better support your efforts to seek and obtain external funding (part of a self-study), several faculty shared that they would appreciate the College supporting them in having structured time to make progress on grants.

As a first step in this direction, I would like to learn more about any goals you may have related to grant or fellowship activity this summer. Whether you just want to dip your toe in the process, or you have larger goals for the summer, please let me know about your goals and interests so that I can best support you.

Second, I would like to invite you to join others in the grants community this summer as we make progress together toward our individual goals. I invite you to take advantage of the following opportunities offered throughout the summer:

Independent work time in Cossitt Faculty Lounge with informal lunch conversation on scholarly & creative goals on Tuesdays throughout the summer

Brief virtual presentations on a variety of themes (such as identifying funders, elements of proposal development) to be followed by independent work time

Discipline-based virtual discussions based on prior reading or webinar viewing

Learn more and sign up here!

And if you are fairly new to the grants and fellowships process, I’ve included information on the services I provide and the benefits of grants work in a new “introduction” section on my home page.

I’m looking forward to seeing you this summer!


Tess Powers

Director of Faculty Research Support

Join the Inner Circle

There is no better way to become competitive for external funding than by serving as a grant reviewer – ideally the same funder you aim to approach one day. Many funders are looking for reviewers – from different career stages, disciplines, institution types and geographic regions – and generally it is not expected that you will have already been a successful grant receipient. Learn how you could serve as a reviewer for eight funders. Through this work, you will develop an understanding of a funder’s review process and meet colleagues in your field. Colorado College recognizes the value of this work by supporting it with a $1000 stipend through the SEGway program. Please reach out to Tess for more information.

Participate in Diplomacy Lab

As noted in a Fall Gold Mine issue, Colorado College joined a network of ~45 colleges and universities in the Department of State’s Diplomacy Lab program.

“Students participating in Diplomacy Lab explore real-world challenges identified by the Department and work under the guidance of faculty members… This initiative allows students to contribute directly to the policymaking process while helping the State Department tap into an underutilized reservoir of intellectual capital.”

There will be two deadlines each year by which brief 200-word “bids” are submitted to the Department of State. The next deadline for participating is April 13th for research projects to be conducted in Fall 2023. We invite CC faculty to learn more.

Rule of Thumb

If you are interested in exploring external funding opportunities, it’s best if we can connect at least two years before you anticipate needing the funding. This gives us time to identify the best funders, prepare an application (many programs have only one deadline per year), and wait several months to hear back. ~ Tess

Help Us Recognize Our Community’s Accomplishments

CC Accolades

Help us celebrate your faculty colleagues’ accomplishments! Use this anonymous form to share news of publications, creative work, grants and fellowships, and other accomplishments.

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Get to Know Two More Student-Athletes During Division III Week

Thank you for helping celebrate CC student-athletes!

Get to know a bit more about Division III academics and meet two more CC Tigers.

Class Year: 2023
Sport: Women’s Cross Country, Track and Field
Major: Political Science
Favorite Class: Balkan Politics
Top CC Academic Moment: Finishing my year-long senior thesis
Special Talents/Skills: I can sing the alphabet backwards
Hobbies: Reading, skiing, and spending time with my cat
Proudest Moment at CC:  When the men’s and women’s cross-country teams won conference in 2021
Community Service Experience: 
Creek cleanup at Monument Creek

Class Year: 2023
Sport: Men’s Basketball
Major: Film and Media Studies
Favorite Class: Acting 2: Acting for the Camera
Special Talents: Actor, model
Hobbies: Hanging out with friends, playing Xbox, reading
Proudest Moment at CC: My senior night game
Community Service Experience: 
Volunteering with elementary school kids creating vision boards for their goals in the future

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Don’t Forget: Dismantling Hate with Loretta Ross Wednesday April 12

TOMORROW: Join Loretta Ross for a talk on reproductive justice as human rights.

Reproductive justice moves beyond choice and access to abortion. The term was coined by Ross and other African American women in 1994, following the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo, Egypt. It is a broader term that uses a human rights framework and looks at reproductive oppression, sterilization abuse, immigration restrictions, gun culture, rape culture, the prison-to-school pipeline, and more.
Ross, an award-winning, nationally-recognized expert on racism and racial justice, women’s rights, and human rights, will be presenting on all aspects of reproductive justice, which is becoming the primary framework new voices in the movement are using to move beyond the paralyzing debates of abortion politics.
Ross is a 2022 MacArthur Fellow and associate professor at Smith College (Northampton, MA) in the Program for the Study of Women and Gender.
Wednesday, April 12
7-8:30 p.m. MDT
Register for this virtual event.

Dismantling Hate: An Educational Series Toward Understanding and Action is a campus-wide initiative that provides programming for Colorado College students, faculty, staff, alumni, parents and families, and community members from the Colorado Springs area.  Now in its second year, the purpose and goal of this educational series is to support our communities to better understand hate — its roots and outcomes, and to motivate people to take action to dismantle hate.  Each educational program in the series features a conversation with an activist, broadly defined, who shares their work and experience dismantling hate against marginalized communities.

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