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A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Last Day to Participate in Staff Racial Climate Survey

Have you taken the Racial Climate Survey? Today, April 26, is the last day to take the survey. Look for an email about the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates from on Wednesday, April 13, or Monday April 18, and click the link inside to participate. All benefits-eligible staff hired prior to March 1, 2022 can participate.
This survey is conducted by the University of Southern California Race and Equity Center and Colorado College is not given any information in a way that would enable them to trace answers back to a specific person, even if you are part of a small demographic group. This survey is anonymous and individual results are confidential. Thank you so much for participating, and for your commitment to antiracism at Colorado College.

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Working Toward Becoming an Antiracist Institution

The aim of the Antiracism Implementation Plan at Colorado College is to strive for an environment that does not foster negative experiences or outcomes based on race.

With antiracism central to our mission, our faculty, staff, and students will experience greater equity and inclusion, our teaching will become more impactful, and our students will be better prepared to make positive change in the world. These stories show how the AIP is guiding action and change at CC:

CC’s Antiracism Commitment Brings Faculty Development Opportunities to the Classroom

Every CC student, faculty, and staff member is responsible for carrying the work of CC’s Antiracism Implementation Plan forward. For some faculty, that work has included professional development. Over the Spring Semester, faculty participated in workshops through the Professional Development Series on Antiracism, offered by the Crown Faculty Center’s Mandala Center for Change. Guided by faculty and staff facilitators, the workshops are aimed at weaving equity, justice, and inclusion into life at CC.

“Every facet of CC should examine antiracism in practice,” says Drew Cavin, director of field study. Cavin and Sarah Schanz, assistant professor of geology, co-led a workshop — “Antiracism in Field Study” — that asked faculty to consider how to navigate challenges related to inclusion and identity during field trips and study abroad.

“The outcomes of these workshops are less about specific tools and strategies, and more about creating an orientation toward antiracism work as an ongoing process,” says Cayce Hughes, assistant professor of sociology, who co-facilitated a workshop: “Creating Safer Classrooms for LGBTQ+ Students” with Christina Leza, associate professor of anthropology. “It’s about realizing that to do better, you have to continually do that self-reflective, critical work on yourself, and in community with other people.” Learn more about these workshops and how these kinds of opportunities help engage all faculty and staff in antiracism work.

CC Pilots Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice Indexing Tool

“Progress requires constant monitoring. This tool will aide us in establishing antiracism priorities on a continual basis,” says Manya Whitaker, acting executive vice president and chief of staff. This diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice indexing tool is from EAB, a consulting firm specializing in education institutions, and Colorado College is in the very first cohort of institutions piloting it. “Once out of pilot testing, this tool may be useful in helping the college track its progress toward antiracism goals. When data is disaggregated by division/unit, it will provide an understanding of the extent to which college leaders share perceptions of progress toward goals and of the importance of particular goals to becoming an antiracist institution.” Learn more about how this change supports Goals 1 and 2 of CC’s Antiracism Implementation Plan.

ADEI = Antiracism, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Instead of DEI, CC now uses ADEI, which stands for antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion. This shift keeps antiracism present and prominent in describing work in these areas. Rosalie Rodriguez and Peony Fhagen currently represent CC’s ADEI leadership team and focus on these four concepts in their work. Within CC’s Antiracism Implementation Plan, the institution’s goals include establishing antiracism, equity, and inclusion as foundational to our community expectations and making diversity, equity, and inclusion central to college leadership. To more accurately capture these key components, ADEI will replace DEI in many references.

Find out more about how this supports AIP Goal 2
, to establish antiracism, equity, and inclusion as foundational to our community expectations.

CC Launches Search for Third Member of ADEI Leadership Team

The CC Antiracism Implementation Plan states that one way the college will build its capacity for inclusive excellence is by elevating the leadership of this work to a diverse three-person teammade up of members with expertise in equity, diversity, and inclusion. A newly created assistant vice president for staff equity and inclusion position will be the third member of this team, and will join Peony Fhagen, senior associate dean of equity, inclusion, and faculty development, and Rosalie Rodriguez, senior associate dean of students for diversity, equity, and inclusion, and director of the Butler Center. The person in this new role will provide strategic vision, thoughtful and collaborative leadership, and guidance as a member of the college’s three-person antiracism, diversity, equity, and inclusion leadership team. The search is now underway, in partnership with Spelman and Johnson search firm, which anticipates introductory interviews by May 20. Read the full posting and find out who’s on the search committee. Learn more about how this role supports CC’s goal to make diversity, equity, and inclusion central to college leadership

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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

The COVID Weekly Report: Monday, April 25

Students: Get Tested After Block Break

Dear Students,

Thank you for continuing to participate in screening testing.

All students are required to participate in initial Block 8 COVID-19 screening testing; you received an email notification on Sunday to take a COVID-19 test with eMed by the end of today, Monday, April 25. It is important to take your test with eMed, as eMed handles the required reporting to the local health department for us.

At any time, if you have symptoms, even if they are mild, please get tested.

As always, Block 8 screening testing protocols will be determined based on test results and participation rates. We will be in touch via email later this week. Students who are not fully vaccinated should continue testing twice weekly.

Thank you for continuing to participate in screening testing and your partnership in keeping the CC community healthy! 

Andrea Bruder 
Chief Public Health Advisor to the President 
Mateo Muñoz 
Chair, COVID-19 Policy and Implementation Committee

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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College
