Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Block Break 7: Asking big, relevant questions

Quite often, our students are the ones educating us.

Quite often, our students are the ones educating us.

Around the Block: Campus News

ID: 3 stained glass windows with text CC Colorado College Campus News Around the Block

New Spaces, Many Uses

ID: caucasian human with brown medium length hair, a drawn on mustache, brown vest, brown pants, striiped shirt, holding a microphone performing with a crowd of students behind them.

Mutual Aid Drag Show Performance, Arts in the Arena, on Friday, March 11.
Photo by Katya Nicolayevsky ’24
Students at Colorado College are using a new campus building in all kinds of interesting ways — some intended, some a bit more unexpected.
Hundreds of CC students recently experienced an arts extravaganza — complete with a Battle of the Bands competition, dancing, and a professional drag show — in CC’s new hockey stadium, Ed Robson Arena.
The Arts at CC held its first “Arts in the Arena” event, Friday, March 11, in Ed Robson Arena. This collaboration with Campus Activities and student arts groups featured the second round of The Sound of CC’s annual Battle of the Bands and a drag show produced by the Colorado College Mutual Aid Fund. Alongside these spotlighted events there was dancing, art making (including paper airplanes), food trucks, and more. (Follow @TheArtsAtCC on Instagram for additional Arts in the Arena photos.) The organizers say they hope this first creative venture into the hockey stadium will inspire future Arts in the Arena collaborations.
Named for Edward J. Robson, a 1954 CC graduate and former member of the hockey team, Ed Robson Arena is a state-of-the-art, multi-purpose, indoor, on-campus competition arena and home of the CC men’s ice hockey team. It opened in September 2021, and enables the hockey team to play games on campus for the first time since the program started in 1938.  

News from the Office of Communications and Marketing

  • If you would like information displayed on a campus-wide digital sign, please visit our Digital Signage page, which outlines all the specifications needed to create them and get them onto our campus TVs.
  • The CC Print Shop is open again on a part-time basis.
  • Do you manage a social media presence for a CC department, program, or office? Make sure to check out the new resources for you on the Office of Communications website. Learn about best practices, what to consider before starting a social media account, and more. While you’re there, make sure to register your social media accounts! By registering, you’ll not only get added exposure by being listed on the college’s official Social Media Directory, but also access to ongoing updates, assistance, and the Social Media Managers group.
  • Welcome new employees! Here’s a look at the individuals who have joined CC in the past few months. Thanks for helping welcome them to our community.

Sociology Major Wins Newman Civic Fellowship

ID: Caucasion woman with long brown hair, tan shirt, checkered pants and belt sitting in a field of wheat, smiling at the camera

By Rhonda Van Pelt/ Photo Sydney Lau ’23
Alanna Jackson ’23 started passionately caring about others as a child when their mother was navigating the justice system and overcoming the post-divorce challenges of single parenthood. Jackson recently won the Newnan Civic Fellowship.

Colorado College is a member of the Campus Compact, which awards the Newman Civic Fellowship to students who are committed to improving their community. There is no monetary assistance; the fellows are supported in their personal, professional, and civic development through learning opportunities, such as a national conference of Newman Civic Fellows in Boston that Jackson plans to attend.

“Ultimately, the fellowship is meant to help people harness their skills and connect with others to become stronger leaders of collective social change through civic participation and community engagement,” Jackson says.

The fellowship will run from September 2022 through May 2023, and Jackson hopes that it will help boost confidence in their leadership strategies and open doors to a network of “passionate change-makers.”

After graduation, Jackson hopes to participate in a fellowship or research program overseas before attending law school to specialize in human rights law. They hope to focus on queer/trans rights, reproductive rights, and immigrant rights.

Earth Week 2022 Events and Opportunities

ID: Eath Week 2022 At a Glance calendar
Join the Office of Sustainability, along with other campus groups, to celebrate Earth Week from April 25-30. With student art, trash clean-up opportunities, tree planting, and more, there’s a way for everyone to get involved! Learn more about each event and RSVP to your favorites here.

Additionally, look ahead to the Environmental Action Summit and Staff and Faculty to Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 6.

Community Engagement Recognition Night is Coming Up

The Collaborative for Community Engagement invites you to attend Community Engagement Recognition Night on Thursday, May 5, from 4:30-6:30 p.m., in Bemis Great Hall. At CERN, we will celebrate the various ways the campus engages in community-based work, democratically invests in shared futures, and develops students into engaged citizens. Drinks and heavy appetizers provided. A (very) light program at 5 p.m. will be followed by an opportunity to mingle, celebrate one another, and peruse the award gallery.

Judy Lynne Fisher ’20 Recently Earned a Fulbright Award

ID: caucasian woman with long dark hair, silver flower earrings, wearung a pink floral shirt and a septum piercing looking at the camera
Feminist and Gender Studies graduate Judy Lynne Fisher ’20 has received a Fulbright. With this support, Fisher, a doctoral student in the American Studies Program at Purdue University, will conduct research in support of her dissertation. Fisher’s project examines German “Indianthusiasm” and German settler colonialism in German Southwest Africa (DSWA) and North America, paying particular attention to the possibilities of transnational Indigenous solidarity between Native Americans and Indigenous peoples who were victims of German violence in DSWA, what is now Namibia. Fisher was inspired by her work with Dr. Santiago Ivan Guerra, director and associate professor of Southwest studies, and her enrollment in Hidden Spaces, Hidden Narratives: Intersectionality Studies in Berlin with Dr. Heidi R. Lewis, director and associate professor of Feminist and Gender Studies.

CC Needs You!

Graduating seniors: Sign up to be part of the Class of 2022 Commencement video! 
Share your CC experience and how it feels to be graduating. If you’re interested in doing a short interview, sign up on this Google form. The video will be shown at the senior class celebration, as well as shared online and by email after Commencement. 
Professors/staff/coaches: If you’d like to take part in the video by sharing a short message to the Class of 2022, please email Isabel Mansour at and Julia Fuller at

Photo of the Week

ID: 4 female dancers with red fans

Dance Workshop is back for spring performances at Kathryn Mohrman Theatre in Armstrong Hall.
Photo by Katya Nicolayevsky ’24
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Today at CC Digest for Students

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Today at CC Digest

A Daily Digest for Colorado College

Updates to Compensation and Benefits

Dear CC Community, 

Thank you to everyone who participated in our In the Loop meeting today. For those of you who couldn’t attend, here is an update on announcements related to pay and benefits.
After hearing input from employees, the Compensation Committee, and the Budget Committee, we will make pay decisions that are a little different this merit cycle. A large portion of the funding available for pay increases this year will be applied to employees in the lower pay bands.
All staff employees in pay bands 1-6 who “meet expectations” on their performance review will receive a minimum 2.5% pay increase on July 1. If that increase does not bring their pay to the levels noted below, they will receive an additional increase to get them to the minimum pay noted:
  • Bands 1-2: $17/hour
  • Band 3: $18/hour
  • Band 4: $19.25/hour
  • Band 5: $22/hour
  • Band 6: $24.50/hour
This will cause some compression between newer employees and those who have worked for the college for a while. We have set aside some funding to address compression between employees hired in 2019 and earlier.
Staff employees in pay bands 7 and higher who “meet expectations” and were hired before May 1, 2022 will receive a 2% increase on July 1.
We will set a new minimum for Occasional/On Call employees of $15/hour. Any OC employees not already making $15/hour will receive a compensation increase to this new minimum on July 1. 
No funding will be allocated this year for extraordinary performance increases. 
For this one year, all employees hired before May 1, 2022 who “meet expectations” on their performance reviews will be eligible for the merit increase.
Please remember to turn in all completed performance reviews by May 1. They may be sent to
Medical costs have increased, so premiums for medical coverage will increase. The college pays 80% of the employee and dependent cost for medical coverage so the bulk of the increase will be borne by the college. The employee share for medical will increase $10.34/month ($5.17/pay period) for an employee with employee-only coverage and $29.48/month ($14.74/pay period) for an employee with family coverage.  
The cost for dental, vision, and other benefits will remain the same for 2022-23.  
In addition to Fall and Winter Break, for 2022-23, benefits-eligible employees will receive three days of paid “Spring Break” leave. See the 2022-23 administrative calendar at this link.
If you have questions, email
Robert G. Moore
Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer

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Block Break 7: Asking big, relevant questions

Have You Completed the Racial Climate Survey?

Have you taken the racial climate survey? It’s open until April 26. Look for an email about the National Assessment of Collegiate Campus Climates 
from on Wednesday, April 13, or Monday April 18, and click the link inside to participate. All benefits-eligible staff hired prior to March 1, 2022, can participate.
This survey is conducted by the University of Southern California Race and Equity Center and Colorado College is not given any information in a way that would enable them to trace answers back to a specific person, even if you are part of a small demographic group. This survey is anonymous and individual results are confidential. Thank you so much for participating, and for your commitment to antiracism at Colorado College.

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